5-HT Receptor

Cat. No. Product Name Inquiry
X23-12-YM444 Dapoxetine hydrochloride
X23-12-YM454 Granisetron hydrochloride
X23-12-YM458 Ketanserin
X23-12-YM468 Mosapride citrate
X23-12-YM470 Naftopidil 2HCl
X23-12-YM471 Naratriptan
X23-12-YM476 Ondansetron HCl
X23-12-YM481 Puerarin
X23-12-YM494 Ziprasidone hydrochloride monohydrate
X23-12-YM500 LY310762
X23-12-YM508 RS-127445
X23-12-YM509 BRL-15572 dihydrochloride
X23-12-YM511 WAY-100635
X23-12-YM512 BMY 7378
X23-12-YM516 Tropisetron
X23-12-YM526 Alosetron (hydrochloride(1:X))
X23-12-YM527 Alosetron
X23-12-YM536 Eletriptan hydrobromide
X23-12-YM554 Pardoprunox HCl
X23-12-YM563 SB 271046 hydrochloride

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