ABH Blood Type I-VI Antigen Microarray Assay

ABH Blood Type I-VI Antigen Microarray Assay

Accurate and Rapid Detection of ABH I-VI Blood Antigens - A Microarray Assay is the Way to Go

Based on the carbohydrate portion of the precursor structure, ABH antigens are categorized as type A I-VI, type B I-VI, and type H I-V. Since ABH antigens are expressed differently in different cells and tissues, it is necessary to measure specific antibodies against the antigenic subtypes in specific grafts. At CD BioGlyco, we construct a Glycan Display Platform and provide ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray assays for the presence and significant absence of donor-specific antibodies.

  • Preparation of type I-VI ABH glycan microarrays
    We prepare glycan couplers by subjecting A, B, and H antigens to a photochemical thiol-ene reaction as well as a coupling reaction. Then, we print the glycan couplers on solid-phase carriers after contactless printing using a microarray printer.
    The types of solid phase carriers we provide are
    • N-hydroxysuccinimide activated slides
    • Epoxy activated slides
    • Others…
    In this procedure, we optimize spot morphology and antigen density based on ABH type I-VI antigens and unexpressed blood group antigens using monoclonal anti-A and antigen B antibodies.
  • Specific antibody detection methods and data analysis
    We attach glycan microarray slides to a slide module to which diluted plasma samples are added and incubated. Scanning by a microarray scanner combined with fluorochrome-labeled antibodies is performed after dilution.
    For example, we test both sample and control erythrocytes with reagent anti-A and anti-B antibodies to identify A and/or B antigens on the erythrocytes. Also, the reagent red blood cells are reverse grouped using the reagent red blood cells to determine the presence of anti-A and/or anti-B in the sample to be tested.

We also provide statistical analysis of all data for more comprehensive and accurate measurement results.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of ABH-glycan microarray. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of ABH-glycan microarray. (CD BioGlyco)


Technology: Molecular modeling techniques

Journal: Scientific Reports

IF: 4.6

Published: 2018

Results: Using molecular modeling techniques, the authors have researched the synthesis of active trisaccharides and disaccharides of ABO blood group antigens to study the binding specificity to various C-type lectin receptors using glycan microarrays. The results of binding preferences suggest that unique glycosylation on galactose and fucose motifs is critical for C-type lectin receptor binding and that these interactions occur in a Ca2+-dependent manner.


  • ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray can be used to assist in exploring the possibility of organ transplantation in medical practice.
  • ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray can be used to evaluate the compatibility between recipient serum and donor red blood cells and to research the interaction between red blood cell antigens and plasma antibodies.
  • The ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray can be used to analyze information specific to all isotypes of ABO antibodies.
  • ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray can be used to detect donor-specific antibodies.


  • CD BioGlyco has a team of scientists and researchers specializing in ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray construction to provide custom protocols and comprehensive data analysis based on client requirements.
  • CD BioGlyco utilizes state-of-the-art glycan microarray construction technology and methods to ensure the accuracy of ABH blood type I-VI antigen microarray testing.
  • CD BioGlyco offers a variety of protocols for Glycan Microarray Assaying for clients to choose from.

CD BioGlyco has a strong glycan display platform to provide efficient, high-quality glycan display array technology. We have a professional R&D team to develop trustworthy research solutions for our clients. If you would like to inquire about glycan microarrays, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Jeyakanthan, M.; et al. ABH-glycan microarray characterizes ABO subtype antibodies: fine specificity of immune tolerance after ABO-incompatible transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation. 2016, 16: 1548-1558.
  2. Shanthamurthy, C.D.; et al. ABO antigens active tri- and disaccharides microarray to evaluate C-type lectin receptor binding preferences. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8: 6603.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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