Acropora Millepora Lectin Production Service

Acropora Millepora Lectin Production Service

A. millepora lectin has extensive sequence variation in the binding region, with the ability to bind symbionts and pathogens. There is a conserved carbohydrate binding site (EPN) at positions 158-160 that is mainly specific for mannose and similar carbohydrates. An in-depth understanding of the A. millepora lectin pair provides insight into the functions and evolution of the innate immune system. CD BioGlyco has accumulated a wealth of experience in the production of lectins and aims to be your perfect assistant!

A. millepora Lectin Extraction Service at CD BioGlyco

A. millepora is collected from coral reef flats. The whole process is transported to the operation room for extraction by cryogenic freezing. Wash the coral surfaces and cut them into uniform sizes. Coral tissue is soaked with mucus in a mixed Tris buffer. The resultant slurry is homogenized and then centrifugated to remove the coral symbionts. After secondary homogenization, centrifugation to remove impurities such as cell membranes.

A. millepora Lectin Purification Service at CD BioGlyco

Non-specific agar-binding proteins are removed from the supernatant before affinity chromatography. Then, the target lectin is purified using a mannose affinity chromatography column. The elution components are sensed in real-time by absorbances, and the target is collected tube by tube.

A. millepora Lectin Activity Analysis Service at CD BioGlyco

Based on an advanced platform, CD BioGlyco offers professional and comprehensive analytical services.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of A. millepora lectin analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of A. millepora lectin analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)


Paper Title: Expression of putative immune response genes during early ontogeny in the coral Acropora millepora

Journal: Public Library of Science ONE

IF: 3.7

Published: 2012

Results: The CELIII-type lectin in most corals was significantly higher at 6 months in a safe environment than at any other time, and especially reached its highest value in the fourth month. This data suggested that lectins may play a key role in isoform recognition, usually in the innate immune system of corals.

Fig.2 Gene expression results. (Puill-Stephan, et al., 2012)Fig.2 Gene expression results. (Puill-Stephan, et al., 2012)

Applications of A. millepora Lectin

  • A. millepora lectin recognizes a range of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and CD23 as mediators of cytokines and inflammation.
  • A. millepora lectin has multiple functions, co-opted from the innate immune system to fulfill key roles in both immunity and symbiont acquisition.
  • A. millepora lectin is a target for immunologic drug development.
  • The diversification of A. millepora lectin simultaneously increases the efficiency of the innate immune system and extends this process to include symbiont acquisition.

CD BioGlyco has professional and standardized Lectin Production Services. We are recognized for our attentive and comprehensive service in the field of glycobiology. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about the production of Animal Lectin.


  1. Kvennefors, E.C.; et al. An ancient and variable mannose-binding lectin from the coral Acropora millepora binds both pathogens and symbionts. Dev Comp Immunol. 2008, 32(12): 1582-92.
  2. Puill-Stephan, E.; et al. Expression of putative immune response genes during early ontogeny in the coral Acropora millepora. PLoS One. 2012, 7(7): e39099.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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