Amylopectin Chain Length Distribution Profiling

Amylopectin Chain Length Distribution Profiling

The chain length distribution of amylopectin is directly related to its structure and function. CD BioGlyco provides advanced analysis techniques to assist with amylopectin chain length distribution profiling. We have confidence to be your essential research assistant in the field of glycobiology.


Starch is a polymer containing two types of molecules: amylopectin (AP) and amylose (AM). In ordinary starch granules, AP accounts for about 80%, and AM accounts for about 20%. AP is a highly branched polymer, which is very complex and has a relatively large molecular weight of ~107-8. In AP, the D-glucopyranose unit is linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds to form a straight chain. This straight chain can form a side chain through α-1,6-glycosidic bonds, and another side chain will appear on this side chain. Chain length distribution (CLD) is the first structural level among the six identifiable levels of starch, involving individual chains at branch points.

The molecular structure of starch is an important structural feature of the structure-characteristic relationship in starch foods. The starch gelatinization properties are mainly controlled by AP CLD. It has been confirmed that there is a negative correlation between the ratio of short AP branches and the gelatinization temperature, and CLD can also provide information about starch synthase activity. Measuring the CLD of starch molecules can better explore the relationship between its molecular structure and function.

Fig 1. A schematic representation of amylose and amylopectin, and the structures adopted by the constituent chainsFig 1. A schematic representation of amylose and amylopectin, and the structures adopted by the constituent chains (Zeeman, S.C.; et al. 2010.)


The chain length distribution of amylopectin can be analyzed by fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE) and high-performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC). We accept different types of experimental samples and can provide integrated services from starch purification to CLD measurement. The following is the general process of AP CLD profiling in CD BioGlyco.

  • Processing samples
  • Amylopectin purification
  • Related enzyme digestion
  • Production of φ, β-limit dextrins of amylopectin
  • Analysis of chain length distribution
  • Statistical analysis


  • Molecular structure and function research of amylopectin
  • Food taste and quality research
  • Plant genetic differences research
  • Application of amylopectin in industry and biological manufacturing industry

Advantages of Us

  • Different experimental programs can be selected according to needs
  • Short experiment period and accurate results
  • Complete analysis data that can be directly used to publish articles
  • Cost-effective

CD BioGlyco designs customized solutions according to the different characteristics of samples, our advanced equipment and well-trained staff can provide guarantee for customers' starch profiling. We will continue to improve our service quality to better meet customer needs.

Customers can contact our employees directly and we will respond promptly. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Gayin, J.; et al. Unit and internal chain profile of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) amylopectin. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016, 137: 466-472.
  2. Zeeman, S.C.; et al. Starch: its metabolism, evolution, and biotechnological modification in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 2010, 61: 209-234.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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