Analysis of Glycolytic Enzymes in Cancer Cells

Analysis of Glycolytic Enzymes in Cancer Cells

The aerobic glycolysis capacity of cancer cells is 20-30 times that of normal cells, and the enhancement of glycolysis promotes the malignant progression of cancer. The main way to enhance glycolysis in cancer cells is to adjust glycolytic enzymes to enhance their activity and overexpress them. Thus, proteomic analysis of cancer cell glycolysis mainly involves the expression, activity, and interactions of enzymes at various steps in the glycolytic pathway. Enzymes abnormally expressed in cancer cells have become targets for antitumor therapy. CD BioGlyco provides quantitative analysis of enzymes in each step of the glycolytic pathway based on proteomics technology, analysis of post-translational modifications, and analysis of interactions.

Fig.1 The flowchart of glycolyticFig. 1 The flowchart of glycolytic (Keighren MA, et al., 2016)

What We Do

The glycolytic pathway contains numerous reversible enzymatic reactions and three irreversible enzymatic reactions. Changes in the enzymatic response of the glycolytic pathway in cancer cells are involved in the metabolic reprogramming of cancer. We can provide quantification, modification analysis, and related protein interaction analysis services for the following enzymes.

Phosphate isomerase
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Phosphoglycerate kinase
Phosphoglycerate mutase
Pyruvate kinase


  • Results of quantitative analysis of all enzymes in the glycolytic steps of cancer cells.
  • The reports on the analysis of all enzymatic modifications in the glycolytic steps of cancer cells. Involves protein post-translational phosphorylation, glycosylation, ubiquitination, nitrosylation, methylation, acetylation, and lipidation.
  • The analytical reports of protein interaction information in the cancer glycolytic pathway.

Our Advantages

The level of glycolysis in cancer cells is regulated by a network of multiple factors, and analyses targeting single proteins did not capture the complexities of metabolic reprogramming in cancer. We provide comprehensive proteomic analysis of cancer glycolytic metabolic pathways with the following advantages:

  • Integrate the enzyme expression in the process of cancer glycolysis to understand in detail the impact of external stimuli on the specific enzyme activity of cancer cell glycolysis.
  • Proteomics-based analysis of glycolytic enzymes combined with other omics technologies can identify different isoforms of glycolytic enzymes to address the difficulties in the development of small-molecule inhibitors targeting glycolytic enzymes.

Sample Requirements

  • Remove detergent when you send protein samples, the CO-IP sample protein requirement is >2 μg.
  • Animal samples > 200 mg.
  • Blood sample > 1 mL.
  • Cell samples > 107.
  • Protein sample > 50 μg.


Our services can support the following applications, including but not limited to:

  • Changes in the expression of enzymes in the cancer glycolysis pathway are regulated by some signaling pathways. Investigate the relationship between signaling pathways and enzyme expression, and find targets for cancer metabolism regulation.
  • To study the regulation of transcription factors on the glycolytic pathway in cancer.

CD BioGlyco can help customers analyze the quantitative expression of all enzymatic reaction enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, post-translational modifications, and interactions with other proteins. Our experienced teams of scientists, researchers, and technicians provide fast turnaround, high-quality services at competitive prices for worldwide customers. Our customers have direct access to our staff and prompt feedback on their inquiries. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Keighren MA, et al. Survival of glucose phosphate isomerase null somatic cells and germ cells in adult mouse chimaeras. Biol Open. 2016 May 15; 5 (5): 596-610.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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