Analysis of PPP Metabolic Flux in Cancer Cells

Analysis of PPP Metabolic Flux in Cancer Cells

The pentose phosphate pathway is an important glucose metabolism pathway, which consists of an oxidative part and a non-oxidative part. PPP metabolic flux analysis enables the assessment of intracellular fluxes under the glucose metabolism network, understanding how tumor cells convert glucose metabolism substrates into biomass and chemical products and predicting possible metabolic constraints in the PPP, CD BioGlyco has the ability to provide services for energy analysis of the PPP.

What We Do

Using the MOPCGM platform, we provide 13C metabolic flux analysis and flux balance analysis of large genome-scale stoichiometric models. The 13C metabolic flux analysis is based on the assumption of steady state, isotopic steady state, etc. The metabolic balance analysis at the genome-scale solves biological problems using the theory of optimization, using linearity according to the metrological information of metabolic reactions and the law of mass conservation of metabolites under pseudo-steady state Solver flux distribution.

For PPP flux analysis, the labeling methods we can provide are as follows:

[U-13C]-Glucose [6-14C]-Glucose [1-2H]-Glucose
Hyperpolarized δ-[1-13C]-Gluconolactone [1,2-13C2]-Glucose Parallel labeling

The PPP metabolites we are able to label are as follows, including but not limited to:

Glucose-6-Phosphate Pentose Phosphates Sedoheptulose-7-Phosphate
Triose Phosphates Erythrose-4-Phosphate Fructose-6-Phosphate

Our Workflow

The first step in metabolic flux analysis is to design experiments to determine the choice of isotopic tracer based on customer needs. The second step of the labeling experiment is to carry out isotope labeling on the experimental sample. The third step is the experiment of isotope labeling and external glucose metabolism rate measurement. The amount of labeling is measured by mass spectrometry-chromatography, and the parameters of cancer cell growth rate and metabolite production are determined by detecting the glucose consumption of tumor cells. The fourth step is to determine the metabolic model. The fifth step uses a variety of group-building platforms to estimate the glycolytic metabolic flux. The sixth step is to conduct data analysis and finally get the results.

Analysis of PPP Metabolic Flux in Cancer Cells


  • Glycolytic metabolic flux analysis report
  • Glycolytic metabolic flux differential analysis report
  • Glycolytic metabolic flux hierarchical cluster analysis report
  • Glycolysis Bi-plot analysis report

Our Advantages

  • We are able to analyze the effect of tumor-associated fibroblast-conditioned medium on the glucose metabolism of tumor cells.
  • We are able to analyze the glycolytic pathway and the PPP separately using a one-carbon analysis method.


  • Engineering of PPP fluxes in cancer cells.
  • The effects of gene overexpression and knockdown on the flux of the PPP are analyzed.

CD BioGlyco can provide 13C metabolic flux analysis and flux balance analysis for the PPP, helping customers to fully understand the changes of the PPP in various states of cancer cells. Our experienced teams of scientists, researchers, and technicians provide fast turnaround, high-quality services at competitive prices for worldwide customers. Our customers have direct access to our staff and prompt feedback on their inquiries. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.

This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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