Analysis of TCA Cycle Related Genes

Analysis of TCA Cycle Related Genes

Cancer cells utilize glucose metabolism reprogramming to maintain their high proliferation rates and energy demands. The tricarboxylic acid cycle is a sugar metabolism pathway that occurs in the mitochondria of cells to generate ATP and precursors to biosynthetic pathways. At present, the phenomenon of abnormal metabolism of the tricarboxylic acid cycle has been found in a variety of cancers. Therefore, studying the mutation and expression of your genes related to the TCA cycle can provide a detailed understanding of the function and mechanism of the TCA cycle in the reprogramming of glucose metabolism in cancer cells. CD BioGlyco can provide genomic information analysis services related to the cancer TCA cycle pathway, laying the foundation for the development of cancer treatment strategies targeting the TCA cycle pathway.

Fig. 1 Impact of altered TCA cycle on DNA transactions in cancerFig. 1 Impact of altered TCA cycle on DNA transactions in cancer (Ciccarone F, et al., 2017)

What We Do

  • TCA cycle related gene expression analysis

We can provide high-throughput sequencing services for TCA cycle related genes, and provide customers with customized analysis services based on the sequencing results.

Based on the MOPCGM platform, we can provide the following specific services, including but not limited to:

GO and KEGG pathway analysis, differential genetic screening, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, genome-wide association study, etc.

  • Functional analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in TCA cycle related genes

Different genotypes of single nucleotide polypeptides in genes encoding TCA cycle related enzymes have different effects on the occurrence and development of cancer. We can provide analysis of single nucleotide polypeptides of TCA cycle related enzyme encoding genes to help customers explore the relationship between single-nucleotide polymorphisms of TCA cycle related enzyme encoding genes and cancer prognosis and recurrence, and promote the clinical application of research results.

  • TCA cycle related gene function analysis

We can predict the function of TCA cycle related genes based on the bioinformatics methods provided by the MOPCGM platform and analyze the functions of TCA cycle related genes through gene editing technology.

  • Mitochondrial genome analysis

Mitochondria are very important organelles in cells and are located at the core of the cellular sugar metabolism network. The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation all occur in mitochondria. Mitochondria are very important organelles in cells and are located at the core of the cellular sugar metabolism network. The TCA and oxidative phosphorylation all occur in mitochondria. The enzymes of the TCA are free in the mitochondrial matrix except for succinate dehydrogenase located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The mitochondrial DNA plays an important role in the maintenance of mitochondrial function and the TCA. Therefore, we provide mitochondrial genome analysis services, the specific services are as follows, including but not limited to:

  • Mitochondrial genome sequencing
  • Mitochondrial genome sequence splicing
  • Detection of mitochondrial genome aging levels before and after glucose metabolism intervention

Our Advantages

  • We are able to provide mitochondrial genome analysis services to explore the relationship between mitochondrial DNA and glucose metabolism reprogramming.
  • We were able to integrate TCA cycle related gene mutations and mitochondrial DNA mutation data during the reprogramming of glucose metabolism to find mitochondria-targeted cancer treatment strategies.

CD BioGlyco can provide bioinformatics analysis services such as detection services for pentose phosphate pathway related gene mutations, differential gene expression analysis, and signal pathway enrichment analysis. Our experienced teams of scientists, researchers, and technicians provide fast turnaround, high-quality services at competitive prices for worldwide customers. Our customers have direct access to our staff and prompt feedback on their inquiries. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Ciccarone F, et al. The TCA cycle as a bridge between oncometabolism and DNA transactions in cancer. Semin Cancer Biol. 2017 Dec; 47: 50-56.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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