Base Editing-based Glycogene Editing Technology

Base Editing-based Glycogene Editing Technology

Summary of Base Editing (BE)

BE is the latest research achievement in the direction of genome editing, it takes single nucleotide variations into DNA or RNA in living cells, which could take point mutations in DNA without generating double-strand break (DSB). At present, cytosine base editor (CBE) and adenine base editor (ABE) have been constructed. CBE can convert the target site C>G of four bases A, T, C, and G in DNA to T>A, while ABE can mutate the target site A>T to G>C. If prime editing is likened to a missile, then BE is like a sniper bullet. BE can directly change a specific base at a specific position in the genome, and only change a single target base without affecting other bases. It is characterized by single-site mutation and targeting. BE is achieved with the help of DNA and RNA base editors, which allow the introduction of point mutations at specific sites in DNA or RNA.

Cytosine and adenine base editors.Fig.1 Cytosine and adenine base editors. (Antoniou, et al., 2021)

BE-based Glycogene Editing Technology at CD BioGlyco

Base editors intervene at the most basic level with high efficiency and precision. Single base changes are a versatile way of precisely changing the glycogene, enabling many different possible editing strategies. The services we provide include but are not limited to:

An example of base editing in mammalian cells.Fig.2 An example of base editing in mammalian cells. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Creation of gene knock-out/single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) correction.
  • BE is suitable for multiplexed gene editing for complex cell models.
  • Mutagenesis for functional gene characterization.
  • Investigators use targeted gene editing to probe the role of glycosylation genes with traditional cell biology methods and dissect specific structure-function relationships without necessarily performing actual analysis of carbohydrate structures.


  • BE system has higher editing efficiency in the classic base editing window and less risk of producing off-targeted indels.
  • Create precise, predictable, and efficient genetic results on target sequences.
  • Efficient editing in dividing and non-dividing cells without template-based homology-directed repair.

CD BioGlyco has invested a lot of resources in the research and development of gene editing for several years and has accumulated a wealth of experience in relevant technologies. We hope that our technology and services help you achieve breakthroughs. For more information, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Antoniou, P.; et al. Base and prime editing technologies for blood disorders. Front Genome Ed. 2021, 28(3): 618406.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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