
Beta Glucan Analysis Service

Our Custom and Reliable Beta Glucan Analysis for Clients

Beta-glucans (β-glucans) are a category of β-D-glucose polysaccharides. Their physicochemical properties vary based on their source. Primarily composed of β-(1,3)/(1,6) branched glucan polymers, supplemented by varying quantities of β-(1,6)-glucan and chitin, these variations extend to molecular mass, solubility, viscosity, branching structure, and gelation properties, eliciting varied physiological effects in animals. Embark on cutting-edge analyses with CD BioGlyco's beta-glucan analysis service, leveraging our advanced analytical method, a robust research and development team, and reliable laboratory technicians. We offer high-quality identification and composition services for Pharmaceuticals tailored to your specific requirements.

Fig.1 The basic structure of beta-1,3/1,6-glucans with a main chain consisting of (1-3)-linked b-D-glucopyranosyl units. (Stuyven, 2010)Fig.1 The basic structure of beta-1,3/1,6-glucans with a main chain consisting of (1-3)-linked b-D-glucopyranosyl units. (Stuyven, 2010)

CD BioGlyco's beta-glucan analysis encompasses an array of crucial tests, including identification, composition, contaminants, and specific tests. Additionally, we provide residue on ignition and loss on drying tests to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the beta-glucan sample. Our commitment to thorough analyses, coupled with advanced techniques and reliable methodologies, guarantees precise and reliable results for your beta-glucan characterization needs.

Fig.2 The content of beta-glucan analysis. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.2 The content of beta-glucan analysis. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Identification test based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Fig.3 The content of the beta-glucan identification test. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.3 The content of the beta-glucan identification test. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Composition test based on spectrophotometry and light-scattering

Here is the standard process of our test of beta-glucan content

  • Firstly, conduct spectrophotometry and light-scattering beta-glucanase/glucosidase digestion by adding water to the sample, followed by the addition of glucose oxidase/peroxidase reagent.
  • Next, place the vials in a 40°C incubator. Then, we measure the absorbance of each vial containing either the sample or standard solution against the enzyme blank solution.
  • Afterward, we create a standard curve using the absorbance values of glucose standards. Utilizing the curve slope and absorbance values of the digested sample and standard solutions, ascertain the concentration (C) of liberated glucose in mg/mL.

Besides the content test of beta-glucan, we also test the content of protein and the content of fat.

Fig.4 Three of the tests include in beta-glucan composition test. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.4 Three of the tests include in beta-glucan composition test. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Contaminants test

Our contaminants test includes elemental impurities, microbial enumeration test, and the absence of specified microorganisms.

  • Elemental impurities
    • Arsenic
    • Cadmium
    • Lead
    • Mercury
  • Microbial enumeration tests
    • The total aerobic bacterial count
    • The total combined molds and yeasts count
    • The total bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteria count
  • Absence of specified microorganisms
    • The absence of Salmonella species
    • The absence of Escherichia coli
  • Specific test
    • Glycogen test
    • Mannose test
  • Residue on ignition test
  • Loss on drying test

Publication Data

Technology: Glucan enzymatic method (GEM) assay, Glucose oxidase/peroxidase (GOPOD) system

Journal: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

IF: 6.1

Published: 2010

Results: The GEM assay, an enzymatic method for β-glucan measurement, is versatile across various matrices. It involves sample swelling with KOH, initial lyticase digestion, and subsequent treatment with exo-1,3-β-d-glucanase and β-glucosidase to convert β-glucan to glucose. The generated glucose is quantified enzymatically, demonstrating accuracy and precision. Results for Wellmune WGP β-glucan show agreement with total hexose content, validating the assay's reliability and reproducibility (%RSD: 1.9–3.9%).


  • Our analysis service examines the composition of beta-glucans through enzymatic methods allowing for detailed insights into their molecular structure.
  • Our analysis service ensures the purity of beta-glucan samples by detecting and quantifying potential contaminants.
  • Our additional residue on ignition and loss on drying tests assess the residue left after ignition and the moisture content, providing additional quality parameters.

At CD BioGlyco, our beta-glucan analysis service offers comprehensive testing, ensuring accurate identification and composition determination. This service aims to help our clients with their Pharmaceutical and Biological research, especially in the study of pharmaceutical quality control. Please feel free to contact us for a quote and more details.


  1. Stuyven, E. Modulation of immune responses in domestic animals by oral administration of β-1,3/1,6-glucans. 2010.
  2. Danielson, M.E.; et al. Enzymatic method to measure β-1,3-β-1,6-glucan content in extracts and formulated products (GEM Assay). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2010, 58(19): 10305-10308.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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