Biodegradability Determination of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material

Biodegradability Determination of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material

Biodegradability Determination of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material

Choosing the most appropriate test method to demonstrate the biodegradability of a product is critical for material suppliers and manufacturers. CD BioGlyco is committed to developing several different methods to help clients assess in detail the extent and rate of degradation of Carbohydrate-based Biodegradable Materials, accelerating the development of specific and bio-responsive materials.

Biodegradability of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials

Polysaccharide-based biodegradable polymer compositions have attracted considerable interest due to their biodegradability and biocompatibility as well as their antimicrobial activity and non-toxicity. The use of these materials in pharmaceutical applications and medical devices has expanded in the last decades. Polysaccharide-derived biodegradable materials for tissue engineering and drug delivery have the advantage of avoiding immune reactions and removal surgery.

Biodegradability is the ability of a material to break down naturally over time due to biological activity, particularly by microorganisms into smaller molecules. However, in the case of medical biomaterials, biodegradation is mainly used to describe the biological processes in vivo that lead to the gradual breakdown of the material. The biodegradability of polysaccharide-derived biomaterials determines their ability to function in specific applications and is a very important aspect to consider when using them for medical purposes.

Fig.1 Degradation of poly(chitosan-g-lactic acid) (PCLA) materials by lysozyme (4 mg/mL) at pH = 7.4 and 37 °C. (Zhang & Cui, 2012)Fig.1 Degradation of poly(chitosan-g-lactic acid) (PCLA) materials by lysozyme (4 mg/mL) at pH = 7.4 and 37 °C. (Zhang & Cui, 2012)

Biodegradability Determination of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials at CD BioGlyco

We provide clients with characterization services for polysaccharide-based biomaterials, including the assessment of their biodegradability. Methods for measuring biodegradation are designed in different ways and are adapted to different types of products or materials. We select the most appropriate test scheme depending on the samples provided by the customer to obtain information about biodegradability. We have developed a variety of different methods to assess in detail the extent and rate of degradation of polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials and our biodegradability measurements are based on aerobic biodegradation, usually through the measurement of oxygen consumption, CO2 production, etc. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • In-vitro degradation test for screening of biomaterials
    We exposed specimens made from polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials to an enzyme mixture under mechanical stress in vitro and determined the degradability of the materials by measuring dry weight loss, mechanical properties (compression tests) analysis, and SEM surface analysis.
  • Measurement of mass loss in vivo
    In the case of polysaccharide-based biomaterials implanted in the body as implants, the morphology gradually changes over time and eventually disintegrates. We help our clients measure the mass loss of the material in vivo through experimental animals to assess biodegradability.

Why Choose Us?

  • We have advanced technology and skilled technicians in the preparation and characterization of polymer compositions.
  • We provide technical support to help you meet the challenges of biodegradation testing including the composition of the materials tested, the complexity of biochemical interactions, and the specific needs of each biodegradation test.
  • We customize our biodegradation testing methods for the specific materials you supply.

CD BioGlyco is a biotechnology company specializing in the development and Characterization of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials. Our many years of experience in the biodegradability testing market can assist our clients in navigating various test methods and certifications to accelerate successful product development and launch.

If you are interested in our biodegradability determination services, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Zhang, Z.; Cui, H. Biodegradability and biocompatibility study of poly(chitosan-g-lactic acid) scaffolds. Molecules. 2012, 17(3): 3243-3258.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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