Clofibrate Capsule Analysis Service

Clofibrate Capsule Analysis Service

Proficient Analysis for Clofibrate Capsule-guaranteed

Clofibrate capsules effectively lower blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Its analysis is crucial for the correct production and safety of medicines. CD BioGlyco provides comprehensive Pharmaceutical and Biological Analysis Services, including specialized analysis for clofibrate capsules. Our services not only cover the identification, but also involve the precise determination of refractive index, acidity, water content, purity, and limit of p-chlorophenol. In addition, we also provide dissolution and quantitative analysis services to ensure the quality of drugs and compliance with relevant requirements.

Fig.1 Clofibrate capsule analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Clofibrate capsule analysis service. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Identification
    • Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis): UV-Vis-based analysis determines the structure and concentration of compounds by measuring the light absorption properties of a substance in the ultraviolet and visible regions. We use UV-Vis to perform impurity analysis of clofibrate.
    • Infrared spectroscopy (IR): We use IR-based analysis to determine the functional groups and molecular structure of a compound by measuring a substance's absorption of infrared light. IR can be used for structure confirmation of clofibrate.
    • Fluorescence spectroscopy: We utilize fluorescence spectroscopy-based analysis to measure the fluorescence emission of a substance under specific light excitation. It is used for structural research of clofibrate.
    • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): NMR-based analysis is utilized to get detailed information about the structure of a molecule by measuring the magnetic behavior of atomic nuclei. NMR can be used for structural confirmation, impurity analysis, and quality control of clofibrate.
    • Mass spectrometry (MS): We use MS-based analysis to measure the mass, molecular weight, and possible molecular structure of clofibrate. It is particularly useful for confirmation of clofibrate and impurity analysis.
    • Thin layer chromatography (TLC): TLC-based analysis is used for preliminary separation and qualitative analysis of individual components in clofibrate. We obtain spots for each component for qualitative analysis by coating the sample on a glass or plastic plate and developing it using an appropriate solvent.
  • Refractive index
    • Physical property analysis: The refractive index is usually measured with a refractometer. We compare this property with the standard refractive index of chlorine fiber, which is 1.500~1.505.
  • Acidity
    • pH meter measurement method: The acidity of clofibrate can be measured using potentiometric titration or colorimetric methods. This is important because deviations from standard acidity levels can affect the absorption and efficacy of medications.
  • Water content
    • Karl Fischer method: We use titrations to determine the moisture content of a sample by the reaction of a specific reagent with water.
  • Limit of p-Chlorophenol
    • p-Chlorophenol is a potential impurity in clofibrate. Its limit is detected by gas chromatography. The presence of p-chlorophenol over specified limits leads to toxic effects.
  • Dissolution
    • Dissolution is a method of assessing the rate and extent of drug release from a formulation. We determine the dissolution of Clofibrate by conducting dissolution studies using specific media. Dissolution affects the bioavailability of drugs.
  • Quantitative analysis
    • UV-Vis: We use UV-Vis-based analysis to determine the structure and concentration of compounds by measuring the light absorption properties of a substance in the ultraviolet and visible regions. It is useful for purity testing of clofibrate.
    • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): We utilize HPLC to separate and quantify the individual components of clofibrate. We separate the components through a column and then detect them with a detector.
    • LC-MS: This method combines the separation capabilities of liquid chromatography and the identification capabilities of mass spectrometry to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of clofibrate and its potential impurities.

Publication Data

Technology: Evaluation of clofibrate benefit

Journal: Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

IF: 3.784

Published: 2017

Results: The authors evaluated the benefit of clofibrate on indirect hyperbilirubinemia in newborns through a case-control study involving 200 neonates. This study involved two groups: 100 newborns were placed on a clofibrate dosage of 100 mg/kg (the treatment group), while the other 100 newborns formed the control group. The total serum bilirubin (TSB) reduction over varying time intervals (upon admission, after 12 hours, 24 hours, and 4 days) was compared between the two groups. In all observed intervals, the TSB reduction in the treatment group exceeded that of the control, resulting in an overall significant difference. Furthermore, the need for phototherapy and the duration of hospitalization were significantly reduced in the clofibrate group compared to the control group. Based on these findings, a solitary 100 mg dose of clofibrate used on neonates proved safe and effectively decreased bilirubin levels, which in turn reduced the necessity for phototherapy.

Here are some of the results shown in this article:

Fig.2 Estimation of TSB reduction in both groups (left). Comparison in both patient and control cluster needed for phototherapy (right). (Alosy, 2017)Fig.2 Estimation of TSB reduction in both groups (left). Comparison in both patient and control cluster needed for phototherapy (right). (Alosy, 2017)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the functional properties of clofibrate capsules?

Clofibrate capsules have the effect of reducing high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

  • Are the findings from the clofibrate capsule analysis service confidential?

We observe strict confidentiality protocols. All findings and reports will be classified and shared solely with the client who requested the analysis. The protection of your data and proprietary information is of utmost importance to us.

As part of our Pharmaceutical Analysis Services, CD Bioglyco offers a comprehensive analysis of clofibrate capsules. Our professional team is expert in applying various detection and characterization techniques according to the specific needs of clients. We pride ourselves on the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of our analytical services. Please feel free to contact us if you have any needs about clofibrate capsule analysis.


  1. Alosy, B.D.M. Benefit of clofibrate on indirect hyperbilirubinemia in newborn. Al Mustansiriyah Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017, 17(1): 6-6.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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