Custom Rhamnolipid Synthesis

Custom Rhamnolipid Synthesis

As a mature biosurfactant, rhamnolipids can be widely used in various fields. CD BioGlyco provides high-purity and high-quality rhamnolipids to help our clients in scientific research. We are pleased to share our expertise and cutting-edge technology in the synthesis and extraction of rhamnolipids.

Properties of Rhamnolipid

Rhamnolipid is a kind of bio-metabolism biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Burkholderia cepacia. Generally, the "rhamnolipid" we describe is not a single structure, but a mixture composed of many homologous structures. As many as 28 rhamnolipids with different structures have been reported. There are two major types of rhamnolipids: mono-rhamnolipids and di-rhamnolipids, which are composed of one or two rhamnose groups respectively. The effects of rhamnolipids on production cells can be broadly divided into five categories: uptake of hydrophobic substrates, antimicrobial properties, virulence, biofilm growth mode, and motility.

As a biosurfactant with the properties of improving solubility, foaming ability, and reducing surface tensions, rhamnolipid has great commercial potential and is widely used in the petroleum industry, green agriculture, ecological environment, cosmetics, and medical fields. Therefore, it is of great economic significance to explore a variety of synthesis methods of rhamnolipid. At present, rhamnolipid is mainly produced by biological preparation methods, including microbial fermentation, mutation breeding of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and pretreatment acid precipitation freeze-drying method to extract rhamnolipids.

Structures of rhamnolipids. Fig.1 Structures of rhamnolipids. (Li, 2017)


CD BioGlyco is engaged in custom synthesis of rhamnolipid biosurfactants for many years. We provide a range of services, including but not limited to:

  • Synthesis of rhamnolipid using renewable sources such as corn steep liquor, wastes from oil processes, and lignocellulose waste.
  • Increasing the production of rhamnolipid and product-substrate conversion by improving fermentation conditions, such as carbon/nitrogen ratio and fermentation time.
  • Preparation of rhamnolipid from secondary metabolites of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides or other modified strains.


  • Bioremediation of organic and heavy metal contaminated sites
  • Assistance in the absorption of nutrients and increase the effect of pesticides
  • Addition to cosmetics as surfactant
  • Application in the food industry as a bulking agent and flavoring agent

Advantages of Us

  • Learning scientific research teams
  • Multiple available synthetic routes
  • Reliable one-stop synthetic service
  • Fast, effective, and customized services

CD BioGlyco is committed to the cost-effective production of rhamnolipids with optimized fermentation conditions, suitable strains, and low-cost carbon sources. Our efficient work and attentive service attitude are trusted by our customers. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Li, Q. Rhamnolipid synthesis and production with diverse resources. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2017, 11(001):27-36.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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