Embryonic Stem Cell-based Mice Gene Targeting Service

Embryonic Stem Cell-based Mice Gene Targeting Service

Our Highly Custom Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC)-based Mice Gene Targeting Service

ESC-based mice gene targeting service involve precise genetic modifications in mice using embryonic stem cells. This highly custom service enables the precise editing of the mouse genome to meet specific research requirements. Based on our ESC-based mice gene targeting service, we have developed ESC-based knockout & conditional KO service, ESC-based humanized and knockin service, and ESC-mediated knockout & knockin service. With our expertise in ESC technology and gene editing techniques, CD BioGlyco provides this Custom In Vivo Glycobiology Disease Model for clients to speed up their research on diseases related to glycan metabolism.

  • ESC-based knockout & conditional KO service

This service enables the generation of knockout mice or conditional knockout models using embryonic stem cells. Knockout mice lack a specific gene of interest, providing insights into its function and role in disease pathology. Conditional knockout models allow for tissue-specific or temporally controlled gene deletion, enhancing the precision of gene function studies.

  • ESC-based humanized and knockin service

This service facilitates the creation of humanized mouse models or knockin models using embryonic stem cells. Humanized models incorporate human genes or genetic elements into the mouse genome, enabling the study of human gene function in vivo. Knockin models introduce specific genetic modifications or mutations into the mouse genome, allowing for the investigation of gene function or disease mechanisms.

  • ESC-mediated knockout & knockin service

This service combines the capabilities of knockout and knockin technologies using embryonic stem cells. It allows for the simultaneous generation of knockout and knockin models, providing researchers with versatile tools for studying gene function and disease mechanisms.

Fig.1 The steps of ESC-based mice gene targeting.Fig.1 The process of ESC-based mice gene targeting service. (CD BioGlyco)

The ESC-based mice gene targeting service typically includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Design appropriate gene targeting strategies based on the client's gene information and editing requirements, including gene knockout, point mutations, insertions, or modifications.
  • Step 2: Isolate and culture ESCs from mouse embryos, allowing stable growth and expansion under appropriate culture conditions and media.
  • Step 3: Utilize CRISPR/Cas9 or other gene editing technologies to introduce the designed editing constructs into ESCs, achieving precise gene targeting.
  • Step 4: Screen the edited ESCs to identify positive clonal embryos with the desired gene edits.
  • Step 5: Transfer the screened positive clonal embryos into the uterus of surrogate mice and cultivate them under appropriate conditions to develop into healthy mouse embryos.
  • Step 6: Genotype and phenotypic analysis of the born mice to verify the success of the edits and assess any effects on the mice's growth and development.

Publication Data

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2016.00043

Technology: Homologous recombination in ES cell-based gene targeting, Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN)-based gene targeting, Optogenetics, Designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDS)

Journal: Frontiers in genetics

IF: 3.7

Published: 2016

Results: This article discusses gene targeting techniques in neuroscience research. It provides an overview of classical gene targeting using ES cells and highlights the limitations of this method, such as species restrictions and the need for ES cells. The article then introduces alternative gene targeting methods, such as the TALEN system, which can be used in a wide range of species and does not require ES cells. The TALEN system utilizes site-specific DNA-binding proteins called TALEs and the FokI endonuclease to induce double-stranded DNA breaks and introduce mutations or insertions at specific target sites. The article also mentions other gene targeting techniques, such as optogenetics and DREADDS, which allow for precise control of neuronal circuits.

Fig.2 The flanking allele and the increased genetic variance problems.Fig.2 The flanking allele (false positive finding) and the increased genetic variance (false negative finding) problems associated with the hybrid origin of null mutant mice. (Gerlai, 2016)


  • ESCs enable precise gene editing, allowing for the generation of knockout, knockin, and conditional knockout models with high accuracy. This precision ensures that the desired genetic modifications are introduced efficiently and reliably.
  • These custom models serve as valuable tools for studying disease mechanisms, identifying therapeutic targets, and testing potential treatments.

At CD BioGlyco, our ESC-based mice gene targeting service provide clients with powerful tools for studying gene function, glycan disease mechanisms, and therapeutic interventions with precision, versatility, and efficiency. Please feel free to contact us to learn more and discuss your research requirements. Moreover, we also provide other custom glycobiology disease models based on our Glycobiology Disease Model Development Service.


  1. Gerlai, R. Gene targeting using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells: the future for behavior genetics?. Frontiers in genetics. 2016, 7: 191468.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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