Enzymatic Release of N-Acetylgalactosamine

Enzymatic Release of N-Acetylgalactosamine

N-Acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) release is a key segment in glycomics research. With proven enzyme release methods and comprehensive analytical tools, CD BioGlyco provides clients with high-quality GalNAc release services. We are looking forward to being your experimental assistant in the field of enzymatic release.


Most human-secreted proteins and cell surface proteins are modified by O-GalNAc glycosylation. GalNAc is often the first monosaccharide linked to serine or threonine (Ser/Thr) in a specific form of protein O-glycosylation. O-GalNAc glycosylation is involved in almost every aspect of biology, such as intercellular communication, adhesion, signal transduction, immune surveillance, etc. O-GalNAc glycans are also concentrated in the sensory neural structures of animals and humans and are also terminal carbohydrates that form human blood group antigens. Furthermore, O-GalNAc glycosylation is of fundamental importance in health and disease.

It has been reported that N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) is an inhibitor of elastase released by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, with inhibition ranging from 8% to 17%. The inhibition range of GalNAc is from 92% to 100%. Therefore, GalNAc is used as a targeting ligand to study liver-targeted antisense oligonucleotides and siRNAs for therapeutic purposes. Aberrant O-GalNAc glycans are a well-established feature of cancer cells and cancer-associated O-glycans, representing a major target for cancer diagnosis and therapy. In conclusion, uncovering the well-defined functions of O-glycans at individual sites in proteins helps better develop site-specific glycan-targeted therapies.

Functions of O-GalNAc glycans in biology.Fig.1 Functions of O-GalNAc glycans in biology. (Bagdonaite, et al., 2021)

GalNAc Enzymatic Release Service

Many aspects of glycosylation in health and disease require methods to visualize glycans. These approaches are critical for the development of next-generation therapeutics and diagnostics methods targeting specific glycans. To better characterize the glycan structure in proteins, CD BioGlyco has integrated various technologies to develop an advanced glycan Enzymatic Release platform. We provide our clients with efficient and accurate GalNAc release services. We specifically hydrolyze GalNAc linked to Ser/Thr residues on glycoproteins by exo-α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase. In this process, we do not need any cofactors or special buffers. In addition, we provide clients with fast and sensitive Glycan Characterization services.


  • Removal of GalNAc on glycoproteins
  • Research on the biological function and structures of GalNAc
  • Research on targeting ligands of GalNAc
  • Study the relationship between GalNAc and diseases

Advantages of Us

  • Efficient and accurate GalNAc release services
  • Specifically releases GalNAc residues
  • Glycan characterization services
  • Professional researchers

The development of enzymatic cleavage of glycan is a complex process. CD BioGlyco has advanced technology platforms and professional research teams in the field of enzymatic release. Our fast and effective strategy will greatly accelerate the project progress of our clients. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Nair, J.K.; et al. Multivalent N-acetylgalactosamine-conjugated siRNA localizes in hepatocytes and elicits robust RNAi-mediated gene silencing. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2014, 136(49): 16958-16961.
  2. Bagdonaite, I.; et al. Mucin-type O-GalNAc glycosylation in health and disease. The Role of Glycosylation in Health and Disease. 2021.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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