Flow Cytometry Profiling

Flow Cytometry Profiling

Flow cytometry profiling is a fast and cost-effective method to assemble cell-based glycan microarrays, directly detecting glycan-GBP interactions on the cell surface. CD BioGlyco has accumulated much practical experience in this area and has the confidence to be your essential research assistant in the field of glycobiology.


Glycans decorate the cell surface of eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and are involved in a variety of physiological processes in mammalian cells, including angiogenesis, fertilization, stem cell and neuron development. Changes in glycosylation patterns have also been shown to be associated with the onset of cancer and inflammation. In many cases, glycans perform functions by interacting with glycan binding protein (GBP). Therefore, understanding these interactions to analyze the biological mechanism mediated by glycans is extremely important for the development of new therapies for glycan-related diseases.

Unfortunately, detecting glycan-GBP interactions in vivo is challenging because glycosylation is a post-translational modification and is not directly under genetic control. Glycan microarray is a high-throughput screening method used to identify GBP interactions. Most glycan microarrays are constructed by coupling glycans to a solid support (such as a glass slide), glycans and their derivatives can be synthesized or purified from natural materials. However, there are two concerns: 1. Obtaining high-purity and well-defined oligosaccharide samples by chemical or chromatographic purification methods will be very time-consuming and can only be performed by professionals. 2. The current glycan microarray cannot fully summarize the natural cell surface environment where glycans exist.

Therefore, researchers have developed flow cytometry profiling, a fast and cost-effective method for assembling cell-based glycan microarrays to directly detect glycan-GBP interactions on the cell surface.

Fig 1. The workflow for constructing cell-based glycan microarraysFig 1. The workflow for constructing cell-based glycan microarrays (Briard, J. G; et al. 2018)


Our flow cytometry profiling service includes the following processes.

  • Design and validate cell-based glycan microarrays
  • Construction of glycan arrays displaying unnatural epitopes
  • Screening for high-affinity ligands: after demonstrating the availability of glycan microarrays, we next evaluated the applicability of this method for identifying high-affinity ligands.
  • Use flow cytometry and other methods to detect the interaction


  • Identification of biomarkers for cancer and infection
  • In situ measurement of glycan interaction
  • Screening of high affinity ligands
  • Pathological study of glycan regulation related diseases

Advantages of Us

  • Advanced developing technology and data processing methods
  • One-stop service, transparent process
  • Fast and high-throughput in situ analysis
  • Stable data, reliable results
  • Experienced researchers

CD BioGlyco has quite a wealth of experimental experience in flow cytometry profiling. Our advanced experimental equipment and experienced research personnel provide guarantee for customers' experimental results.

Customers can contact our employees directly and we will respond promptly. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Briard, J. G; et al. Cell-based glycan arrays for probing glycan–glycan binding protein interactions. Nature Communications. 2018, 9(1).
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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