Haemophilus influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine Evaluation Service

Haemophilus influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine Evaluation Service

Your Best Partner for Assessment of Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) Conjugate Vaccine

CD BioGlyco is a professional glycobiology company providing high-quality Pharmaceutical and Biological Analysis services to clients all over the world. Whether you need help with Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biological Evaluation, or Pharmaceutical Excipient Analysis, our team provides you with the perfect analytical solutions and accurate data reports. Hib conjugate vaccine is a polysaccharide vaccine. Our highly trained analytical team offers you the following services:

  • Polysaccharide analysis
    • Double immunodiffusion test
    • Phosphate content test
    • Bacterial endotoxin test
    • Total solid test
    • Protein content test
    • Determination of the polysaccharide molecule size distribution
    • Ribose content test
    • Nucleic acid content test
  • Polysaccharide derivative analysis
    CD BioGlyco mainly provides determination services for two derivatives, adipic acid hydrazide (ADH) and cyanide.
    • In the presence of sodium tetraborate, the amino group in ADH undergoes color development with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Our researchers use ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectrophotometry to determine the content of ADH in Hib polysaccharide derivatives.
    • Under acidic conditions, cyanogen bromide is chromatographed with pyridine benzidine. Our researchers use UV-VIS spectrophotometry to determine the content of cyanogen bromide in Hib polysaccharide derivatives.
  • Polyglycoprotein conjugate stock solution analysis
    • Identification: Based on the double immunodiffusion test, our researchers observe the precipitation lines formed by the samples to be tested with Hib immune serum and tetanus toxoid immune serum.
    • Chemistry and biology tests: We provide professional services for polysaccharide content testing, protein content testing, polymer binding content testing, polysaccharide molecular size distribution determination, carbodiimide residue analysis, sterility testing, and bacterial endotoxin testing.
  • Semi-finished and finished Hib vaccine analysis
    • Simple analysis
      • Sterility test
      • pH test
      • Bacterial endotoxin test
      • Pyrogen test
      • Osmolality test
      • Abnormal toxicity test
    • Polysaccharide content analysis: Based on the condensation of soluble sugars by acid treatment products with phenolic compounds to produce a chromogenic substance, we use D-ribose as a control to determine the polysaccharide content of the vaccine.
    • Polymolecular conjugate content analysis: At different ethanol concentrations, our researchers determine the phosphorus content by precipitation separation of high molecular binders, low molecular binders, and free polysaccharides using UV-VIS spectrophotometry to calculate the content of high molecular binders.
    • Polysaccharide molecule size distribution analysis: We use an agarose gel chromatcolumn to determine the molecular distribution.
    • Potency test: Our researchers set up experimental and control mice for vaccination. After collection of blood, anti-Hib IgG antibodies are measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Schematic diagram of Hib vaccine evaluation tools. (CD BioGlyco)

Publication Data

Technology: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Absorbance analysis

Journal: Frontiers in Pharmacology

Published: 2021

IF: 4.225

Results: In this work, researchers analyzed the adjuvant activity of Hib conjugate vaccine. It was found that when mice were subcutaneously immunized with polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP) alone or in combination with tetanus toxoid (TT), PRP-specific IgG production was independent of Alcaligenes lipid A. When mice were immunized with PRP-TT, the prp-specific serum IgG response was significantly greater. Thus, Alcaligenes lipid A has adjuvant activity against thymus-independent Hib polysaccharide antigen under the influence of T-cell-dependent coupled carrier antigen.

Fig.1 Determination for the response of the Alcaligenes lipid A to TT-specific T cells.Fig.1 Alcaligenes lipid A has no effect on the TT-specific T-cell response. (Liu, et al., 2021)

Applications of Hib Vaccine Evaluation

  • Hib vaccine evaluation plays a key role in immunotherapy, vaccine development, drug discovery, and development.
  • Hib vaccine evaluation promotes the development and testing of a bacterial capsular polysaccharide-conjugate vaccine.
  • Hib vaccine evaluation lays the foundation for the biological evaluation of vaccines.

Advantages of Us

  • We provide clients with comprehensive Hib vaccine analysis reports including raw data, analytical mapping, and professional data reports.
  • Our professional service team provides evaluation services for different sources of podocarboxylic polysaccharide vaccines.
  • Residue analysis is a key indicator for vaccine evaluation. Our specialized analytical team pays extra attention to residue testing.

Based on many years of analytical experience, CD BioGlyco provides fast and accurate pharmaceutical and biological analysis services to clients all over the world. Our goal is to be your first choice in biological evaluation. For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Liu, Z.; et al. Chemically synthesized Alcaligenes lipid A as an adjuvant to augment immune responses to Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021, 12: 763657.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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