Hepatocyte-based In Vitro Screening Service
Provide Deep Hepatocyte-based In Vitro Screening to Explore the Application
Cell modeling is simple, and efficient and overcomes individual differences. It is well suited for high-throughput screening and mechanistic studies. Hepatocytes have specific morphological features and express hepatocyte-specific markers. CD BioGlyco provides a full range of Glycobiology Disease Model Development services to clients worldwide, including not only Model Construction and Custom In Vivo Glycobiology Disease Model but also high-throughput In Vivo or In Vitro screening services. Moreover, the hepatocyte models we offer include but are not limited to primary hepatocytes, HepG2 cells, Huh7 hepatocytes, McA cells, H4II rat liver cancer cells, and hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs).
- Cell culture
- CD BioGlyco provides a wide range of hepatocyte culture, induction, differentiation, and validation services according to the needs of our clients. Our skilled technicians induce the cells at the right time to ensure the best viability of the cells.
- In cell culture, we pay particular attention to the optimization of the culture environment and the concentration of the culture medium. Moreover, we offer cell viability assay services and gene expression analysis services.
- High-quality analysis
- Reporter-gene assay system: CD BioGlyco provides highly sensitive and selective genetic screening services. Our researchers utilize reporter genes to screen candidate compounds or to detect changes in intracellular dynamics.
- Dynamic fluorescence detection: Based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we utilize specific fluorescently labeled to monitor changes in intracellular biomolecules in real-time and dynamically for rapid and accurate analysis.
- Our researchers analyze and characterize cell-derived secretions by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We also offer specialized flow cytometry analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), microscopy, and western blot analysis services.

Technology: ELISA, Quantitative real-time (RT-qPCR), qPCR, Western blot, Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Northern blot, Immunofluorescence
Journal: Viruses
Published: 2024
IF: 5.818
Results: In this work, researchers used the HepG2BD cell line to construct an in vitro model for high-throughput screening and antiviral drug evaluation. The cDNA (derived from the HDV genome) was inserted into a safe harbor of chromosomal DNA for controlled induction and reduced off-target probability with the aid of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat sequence (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9). The HepG2BD cell line plays an important role in the recognition of cytokines involved in cytokines in dividing or quiescent cells. The researchers analyzed intracellular antiviral activity and secreted proteins and found no significant change in the proportion of HDAg proteins.
Fig.1 Effect of culture pattern and presence of doxycycline on the rate of HepG2BD cells replicating. (Blanchet, et al., 2024)
- Hepatocyte-based in vitro screening plays an important role in regulating systemic lipid metabolism and modulating the interaction between obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2
- Hepatocyte-based in vitro screening provides important information for assessing drug metabolism, metabolite formation, and hepatotoxicity.
- Hepatocyte-based in vitro screening contributes to a better understanding of the interactions between viruses and the cellular host factors involved in their life cycle.
Advantages of Us
- We have automated and computerized analysis systems, efficient and sensitive equipment, and professional data analysts to drive the development of the project.
- Our highly trained team is responsive to our clients' every need.
- All analytical data is accounted for multiple times to ensure the most accurate report delivery possible.
Relying on professional analysis systems and perfect screening solutions, CD BioGlyco provides our clients with the most assured in vivo and in vitro glycobiology disease model screening services. Our staff responds quickly to client requests and provides the best service. Please feel free to contact us.
- Blanchet, M.; et al. HepG2BD: A novel and versatile cell line with inducible HDV replication and constitutive HBV expression. Viruses. 2024, 16(4): 532.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.