Histamine Receptor

Cat. No. Product Name Inquiry
X23-12-YM704 Bepotastine
X23-12-YM730 Clemizole
X23-12-YM733 Metiamide
X23-12-YM761 Bamirastine
X23-12-YM785 A 943931 2HCl
X23-12-YM808 Immethridine hydrobromide
X23-12-YM850 Astemizole
X23-12-YM882 Promethazine HCl
X23-12-YM907 Ebastine
X23-12-YM916 Bavisant dihydrochloride
X23-12-YM917 Bavisant dihydrochloride hydrate
X23-12-YM920 Cetirizine
X23-12-YM921 Clemizole hydrochloride
X23-12-YM925 Ebrotidine
X23-12-YM939 Pitolisant hydrochloride
X23-12-YM940 Pitolisant oxalate
X23-12-YM950 Zaltidine
X23-12-YM965 Buclizine HCl
X23-12-YM998 Carbinoxamine maleate

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