
In Vivo Antitumor Activity Screening

CD BioGlyco has an advanced carbohydrate-based glycomedicine development platform and a range of analysis tools that will help customers study in vivo antitumor activity screening systematically. We have the confidence to be your essential research assistant in the field of glycobiology.

In Vivo Methods for Anticancer Activity Screening

Cancer is a major public health burden in both developed and developing countries. Anticancer activity is the effect of natural and synthetic or biological and chemical agents to reverse, suppress or prevent carcinogenic progression. Therefore, it is important to review the different in vivo methods for estimating the anticancer properties of drugs.

Several in vivo methods have been developed to measure the efficiency of natural anticancer compounds and synthetic anticancer drugs. Usually, in vivo antitumor activity was studied on tumor-bearing mice. The activity was assessed by monitoring the mean survival time, tumor cell count, percentage increase in body weight, and effect on haematological parameters like red blood cell count, haemoglobin content, white blood cell count, and differential cell count.

Fig 1. The antitumor activity screening of chemical constituents.Fig.1 The antitumor activity screening of chemical constituents. (Hou, et al., 2018)

In Vivo Antitumor Activity Screening Services

CD BioGlyco offers assay services of the tumor growth inhibitory effect of glycomedicine on tumor-bearing nude mice. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Removal and photographing of representative tumors.
  • Tumor-bearing nude mice were monitored for changes in body weight as a surrogate marker for toxicity.
  • The expression of proteins from tumor homogenates was analyzed by western blotting.

Advantages of Us

  • Multiple advanced technology platforms.
  • Customized strategy to screen in vivo antitumor activity.
  • Experienced technical team.
  • Provide various data as required, which can be directly used for article publication.

With a first-class experimental platform and professional research teams, CD BioGlyco provides customers with high-quality in vivo antitumor activity screening services according to their needs. If you are interested in our services, please contact us to obtain more information.


  1. Hou, X.; et al. The antitumor activity screening of chemical constituents from Camellia nitidissima Chi. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2018, 41(5): 2793-2801.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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