
Insulin Tolerance Tests

Insulin is a protein hormone that lowers blood sugar while promoting glycogen, fat, and protein synthesis. The rate of insulin biosynthesis is affected by plasma glucose concentration, and insulin synthesis is accelerated when blood glucose concentration increases. Studies have reported that insulin receptors and insulin-like growth factors are associated with tumorigenesis. Although the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp test is the most standard technique for measuring insulin sensitivity, it is expensive and takes a long time, so insulin tolerance tests, glucose tolerance tests, and other experiments are often used to evaluate insulin sensitivity. CD BioGlyco provides efficient insulin tolerance testing services and real and effective experimental data.

Fig. 1 Insulin tolerance tests profileFig. 1 Insulin tolerance tests profile (Benedé-Ubieto R, et al., 2020)

Establishment of Insulin Resistance Mouse Model

We provide high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance model building services in mice. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Mice are fed a high-fat diet with more than 45 % fat energy supply. After 4 weeks of feeding, mice with body weight in the lower 1/3 of body weight were eliminated according to the bodyweight queuing method, and insulin resistance is detected.

Our Experimental Protocol

Fig. 1 Insulin tolerance tests profileFig. 2 The protocol of insulin tolerance tests

Our Features

  • We strictly control the breeding environment, maximally eliminate noise and odor interference, and avoid the impact of hormonal changes on the blood sugar levels of mice.
  • Using mice of the same sex, the insulin solution is precisely injected according to body weight.


  • The tumorigenic ability of insulin-resistant mice and normal mice is compared.
  • To study the difference in insulin resistance between tumor-bearing mice and normal mice.
  • To study the relationship between insulin resistance and tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice.
  • To study the effects of glucose metabolism regulators on insulin resistance in tumor-bearing mice.

CD BioGlyco provides efficient insulin tolerance testing services and real and effective experimental data. Our experienced teams of scientists, researchers, and technicians provide fast turnaround, high-quality services at competitive prices for worldwide customers. Our customers have direct access to our staff and prompt feedback on their inquiries. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Benedé-Ubieto R, et al. Guidelines and Considerations for Metabolic Tolerance Tests in Mice. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2020 Feb 18; 13: 439-450.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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