Lacto-N-difucohexaose II (LNDFH II) Production Service

Lacto-N-difucohexaose II (LNDFH II) Production Service

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), which are made up of different oligosaccharides, are crucial for a baby's health. LNDFH II is an important compound for not only the baby but also most mammals.

Production methods of LNDFH II

Specific HMOs, particularly fucosylated HMOs, make up between 50~80 % (w/w) of all HMOs, making them the most prevalent solid component in HMOs. A fucosylated HMO called lacto-N-difucohexaose II (LNDFH II) is involved in a variety of physiological processes, including altering intestinal flora, preventing pathogen invasion, fostering the growth of the nervous system, and enhancing immunological responses.

The structure of LNDFH II.Fig.1 The structure of LNDFH II. (CD BioGlyco)

Despite the fact that LNDFH II may be directly separated from breast milk using a number of purification techniques, the yields are not very high. As a result, creating these molecules by artificial synthesis could be a better choice. Chemo-enzymatic and cell factories may both produce LNDFH II. In order to create a chemo-enzymatic synthesis, costly GDP-fucose, and enzymes must be added. In contrast to Chemo-enzymatic synthesis, LNDFH II can synthesize in the cell factory using inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources. As a result, the focus has been paid to the production of LNDFH II employing cell factories. Cell factories still use fucose as the source of GDP-fucose using this method, which results in greater production costs and a poor LNDFH II titer. Therefore, designing a de novo LNDFH II synthesis route utilizing metabolic engineering techniques is a potential method.

Engineered metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of LNDFH II in E. coli.Fig.2 Engineered metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of LNDFH II in E. coli. (Hu, et al., 2022)

LNDFH II Production Service at CD BioGlyco

Artificial synthesis of LNDFH II molecules is a wise decision. LNDFH II can also be produced by chemoenzymatic factories and cell factories. LNDFH II can synthesize in the cell factory utilizing cheap carbon and nitrogen sources, in contrast to chemo-enzymatic synthesis. As a result, attention has been given to LNDFH II manufacture using cell factories. Normally, for a large-scale need CD BioGlyco will use Chemo-Enzymatic and Cell Factories methods, for small-scale needs, extraction, and purification would be a good choice. In addition, CD BioGlyco also has an analysis platform for HMO Profiling, which can be a great help for research in the field of HMO.

Advantages of Us

  • We have an advanced platform that provides synthesis and analysis services for LNDFH II.
  • We help clients to synthesize LNDFH II according to their needs.
  • We provide different scales and grades of LNDFH II according to clients' needs.
  • We have good experts and an outstanding service team for helping clients.

CD BioGlyco provides the production service for LNDFH II based on a powerful and advanced synthetic platform. We have the ability to offer different scales of LNDFH II by different production methods according to clients' needs. If you are interested in the production service for LNDFH II, please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Hu, M.; et al. Engineering Escherichia coli for high-titer biosynthesis of lacto-N-difucohexaose II. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 186, 108567.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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