Lectin Microarray Assay

Lectin Microarray Assay

CD BioGlyco has rich experience in lectin microarray assay. Our multiple technology platforms and well-trained researchers can provide customers with various forms of sample testing. We have confidence to be your essential research assistant in the field of glycobiology.


Lectin is a glycoprotein that can bind to sugar, be synthesized secreted by animal cells and plant cells. Lectins can recognize complex carbohydrate structures in glycoproteins and glycolipids, as well as sugar groups on the surface of cell membranes. Therefore, lectin is a useful tool for studying cell membrane structures, cell recognition and adhesion reactions. In addition, because of its multivalent binding ability, lectin can bind to luciferin, enzymes, ferritin, biotin, etc. without affecting its biological activity. Therefore, lectin can also be used in immunocytochemistry research and tumor diagnosis. Start a new paragraph: Lectin microarray is a new method of glycan profile analysis based on lectin. It has become a very promising method in the field of glycomics and glycoproteomics. It uses a set of lectins fixed on a solid surface to perform rapid analysis of glycoprotein glycosylation profile and glycoform characterization, and can be directly applied to both pure and crude form (for example, clinical samples) of glycoprotein. Unlike other conventional methods (such as liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry), it can analyze complex glycan characteristics quickly and with high sensitivity without releasing glycans. Although this technique is not quantitative, it’s more efficiently applied for comparative purposes, such as differential profiling.

A general scheme to make lectin microarray substrates and subsequent procedures for glycan profilingFig 1. A general scheme to make lectin microarray substrates and subsequent procedures for glycan profiling (Jun, H.; et al. 2013)


CD BioGlyco uses the following methods to perform lectin microarray assay.

We provide professional lectin microarray system, including equipment, microarray plate and various detection technologies (Confocal fluorescence detection method/ Evanescent-field activated fluorescence detection method/ Bimolecular fluorescence quenching and recovery method). Subsequently, we develop a set of advanced and general procedure to prepare samples which can be used for various forms of samples such as serum, urine, cell lysates and tissue extracts. Professional technicians will perform fluorescent labeling and data analysis and finally draw a precise conclusion.


  • Glycan-related biomarker investigations
  • Glycan synthesis and glycoprotein production
  • Stem cell profiling toward regeneration medicine
  • Glycoprotein profiling in the light of functional glycomics
  • Microbial infections

Advantages of Us

  • Improved sensitivity and resolution
  • Multiple detection methods: able to detect various forms of samples
  • Professional researchers
  • Highly transparent process

CD BioGlyco has provided reliable and cost-effective research services to customers all over the world, and our considerate service and professional technology in the field of glycobiology have won us a great deal of praise.

Customers can contact our employees directly and we will respond promptly. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Jun, H.; et al. Lectin microarrays: concept, principle and applications. Chem Soc Rev. 2013, 21.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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