Leishmania Parasites Antigen Production Service

Leishmania Parasites Antigen Production Service

Types of Leishmania Antigens

Leishmania causes various types of leishmaniasis, including mucosal leishmaniasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis. Leishmania releases various types of antigens during infection.

  • GP63 is a protein in the Leishmania surface, which has multiple functions, including glycoprotein shearing enzyme activity and immunosuppression.
  • LPG is the main glycoprotein in the Leishmania surface. It is involved in the adhesion and invasion of Leishmania and host cells, and at the same time interferes with the host's immune response.
  • PSA is an antigen on the surface of the promastigote stage of Leishmania protozoa. It is a class of highly glycosylated proteins that induce a protective immune response in the host immune system.
  • Amastigote is the parasitic form of Leishmania protozoa that inhabits host tissues. Antigens with amastigote identity serve as candidate targets for vaccines to elicit immune protection against Leishmania-infected tissues.

Leishmania Parasites Antigen Production Services at CD BioGlyco

  • Antigen expression and purification services

CD BioGlyco offers expression and purification for Leishmania antigens. We use appropriate host systems (bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells) for efficient expression of antigens, and obtain higher purity through appropriate purification techniques (such as affinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration) of antigen samples.

  • Antigen modification services

CD BioGlyco performs different types of modifications on antigens according to research needs, such as phosphorylation and methylation to increase stability and solubility.

  • Antigen structure verification service

CD BioGlyco applies a variety of advanced analytical techniques (such as mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance) to conduct structural verification and analysis of antigen samples to ensure that they are consistent with the expected target antigen.

  • Antigen testing services

CD BioGlyco uses various immunological methods, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot, and immunofluorescence, to perform quantitative and qualitative detection of Leishmania antigens.

  • Candidate vaccine screening and development services

CD BioGlyco has the leading Glyco™ Vaccine Development Platform. We conduct efficient screening of Leishmania antigens and provide corresponding and reliable vaccine development services based on the screened antigens.

In addition, CD BioGlyco also provides customized Leishmania antigen production services based on clients' specific needs. That includes Leishmania parasites repeating phosphodisaccharide production service, and Leishmania parasites cap oligosaccharide production service.

Fig.1 Leishmania parasites antigen production services. (CD BioGlyco) Fig.1 Leishmania parasites antigen production services. (CD BioGlyco)


  • Immunological research: Leishmania parasite antigens are used as stimulators to induce host immune responses and are applied to study immune interactions between hosts and parasites.
  • Vaccine: Leishmania parasite antigens are widely applied in vaccine development. Synthesis and purification of specific antigens help assess their ability to elicit immune protective effects.
  • Diagnostic method development: Leishmania parasite antigens may be applied in the development of diagnostic methods for Leishmania infection, the infection status is determined by detecting antibodies related to Leishmania.
  • Drug screening: Synthetic and purified Leishmania parasite antigens are applied to screen and evaluate the activity and efficacy of drug candidates against Leishmania infections.


  • CD BioGlyco uses advanced separation and purification technology to ensure that the Leishmania parasite antigen products provided are of high purity, which is critical for research and diagnostic applications to reduce the impact of impurities.
  • The antigen products provided by CD BioGlyco undergo strict quality control procedures and we use various advanced analysis methods to ensure the structural consistency and correctness of the antigen.
  • CD BioGlyco has the capability to produce Leishmania parasite antigens on a large scale and deliver the required product on time.

CD BioGlyco is familiar with the characteristics, structure, and function of Leishmania parasite antigens, and masters the best practices and technical points of antigen production. We provide high-quality Leishmania parasite antigen products. Please feel free to contact us for details if you are interested in our production services.


  1. Olivier, M.; et al. Subversion mechanisms by which Leishmania parasites can escape the host immune response: a signaling point of view. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2005, 18(2): 293-305.
  2. Coler, R.N.; et al. From mouse to man: safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of a candidate leishmaniasis vaccine LEISH-F3+ GLA-SE. Clinical & Translational Immunology. 2015, 4(4): e35.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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