
Cat. No. Product Name Inquiry
X23-12-YM205 Ibotenic acid
X23-12-YM422 (-)-Huperzine A
X23-12-YM462 LY2140023
X23-12-YM506 BINA
X23-12-YM510 ADX-47273
X23-12-YM535 Dipraglurant
X23-12-YM541 LY341495
X23-12-YM542 LY2979165
X23-12-YM594 VU 0357121
X23-12-YM626 CTEP
X23-12-YM630 VU 0364770
X23-12-YM631 Lu AF21934
X23-12-YM660 BMT-145027
X23-12-YM662 VU 0361737
X23-12-YM687 VU 0364439
X23-12-YM691 PHCCC
X23-12-YM711 JNJ-40411813
X23-12-YM741 LY 379268
X23-12-YM753 MPEP HCl
X23-12-YM789 Kainic acid monohydrate

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