Psicose Analysis Service

Psicose Analysis Service

Functions of Psicose

Psicose, also known as D-ribose-2-hexulose, is a small molecular weight monosaccharide. Psicose is an isomerization of D-fructose at the C-3 position, but the metabolic pathway of allose in vivo is different from that of Fructose. Psicose is highly stable in simulated gastric fluids, intestinal fluids of a fasted state, and human and rat hepatocytes. It is not metabolized in vivo, whereas fructose is rapidly metabolized. Psicose is chemically synthesized or biotransformed and has essential clinical/medical applications such as anti-obesity, anti-hypertensive, anti-hyperlipidemic, and anti-atherosclerotic.

Fig.1 Various functionalities of D-psicose.Fig.1 Various functionalities of D-psicose. (Bilal, et al., 2018)

Psicose Analysis Service at CD BioGlyco

The isolation and purification of psicose have been an obstacle to further development of its activity and biological studies, so we need to obtain products with higher purity. To achieve this goal, CD BioGlyco uses an ion chromatography column, the single-column chromatographic system for its separation. Then, with the help of simulated moving bed (SMB) separation experiments to separation. We further characterize the product using a liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer (LC-MS), and by analyzing and processing the mass spectrogram (MS) and ultraviolet (UV) profile, obtain qualitative and quantitative results of the sample. We provide clients with comprehensive analytical assay data, characterization, and specific elution gradients.

Fig.2 The flowchart of psicose analysis.Fig.2 The flowchart of psicose analysis. (CD BioGlyco)


Paper Title: Separation of D-psicose and D-fructose using simulated moving bed chromatography

Technology: HPLC, SMB

Journal: Journal of Separation Science

IF: 3.614

Published: 2009

Results: After the enzymatic reaction, the solution containing impurities found during the isomerization process is effectively treated by adsorption and ion exchange resin. The isotherms in the linear state were measured on an analytical column using cation exchange resin as the stationary phase. All isotherm parameters were measured using frontal lobe analysis. These results were used to identify the fully separated region for SMB operation. Here, d-psicose and d-fructose were successfully separated from the binary mixture by SMB chromatography. D-psicose is obtained by SMB and cooling crystallization, with 98.5% purity achieved after SMB separation, and 99.1% purity after cooling crystallization. The simulated column profiles and the history profiles of the extract and raffinate streams exhibited good agreement with the experimental results.

Fig.3 Data mapping of D-psicose.Fig.3 Data mapping of D-psicose. (Nguyen, et al., 2009)


  • Psicose analysis is useful in screening methods for obesity and type diabetes mellitus.
  • Psicose analysis is used in food gel to improve the mechanical properties and water retention properties.


  • The separation method has high production efficiency, convenient operation, and crystal purity of more than 99%.
  • The eluent used is pure water, which is not hazardous during the experiment and does not change the product.

CD BioGlyco has always adhered to the customer-centric principle and has several analysis methods for Carbohydrate Metabolism. We provide efficient and reliable services to accelerate our clients' scientific research by shortening the project time. To learn more about the analysis of Monosaccharides, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Bilal, M.; et al. Metabolic engineering pathways for rare sugars biosynthesis, physiological functionalities, and applications review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018, 58(16): 2768-2778.
  2. Nguyen, V.D.; et al. Separation of D-psicose and D-fructose using simulated moving bed chromatography. Journal of Separation Science. 2009, 32(11): 1987-1995.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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