Recombinant Lectin Production in Bacteria

Recombinant Lectin Production in Bacteria

Expression and production of heterologous proteins in microorganisms by genetic recombination technology is a hot topic in modern biology. At CD BioGlyco, we provide bioactive lectins production from the culture medium. We have a variety of Expression Systems to choose from, only by combining the target lectin's biological activity and the system's advantages. For the bacterial expression systems, we provide the following several different services.

Escherichia coli: a Typical Prokaryotic Expression System

E. coli is the optimal host for producing foreign proteins. This system is well-suited for the functional expression of non-glycosylated proteins. To facilitate the large-scale production of recombinant lectins, we continuously optimize expression conditions and optimize expression in the cytoplasm of E. coli. Various aspects including growth conditions, culture temperature, expression vectors, and proteolysis are adjusted to promote the productivity of the E. coli system.

  • The utilization of codon bias may affect the expression efficiency, a situation prevalent in the production of recombinant lectins. At CD BioGlyco, we overcame this by optimizing the lectin cDNA codons or using E. coli-expressing strains containing additional copies of rare tRNAs.
  • We controll the oxygen content to avoid the acidity caused by high cell density.
  • In addition, we use different promoters to regulate expression, alter growth media, and test protein fragment expression to ensure optimal production services.

Fig.1 The flowchart of E. coli recombinant lectin production service. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 The flowchart of E. coli recombinant lectin production service. (CD BioGlyco)

Bacillus Expression System

Bacillus is a useful bacteria expression system, that mainly contains some Gram-positive bacilli. These bacteria are easily transformed with many phages and plasmids due to their unique genetic properties. Secreting the desired proteins directly into the fermentation medium facilitates easy processing, eliminating the need for cell destruction or chemical treatment techniques.

Advantages of Expression Systems

Tab.1 Advantages of different bacterial expression systems. (CD BioGlyco)

E. coli expression systems Bacillus expression systems
Rapid expression Strong secretion with no involvement of intracellular inclusion bodies
High yields and high fermentation capacity Genetically well-characterized systems
Ease of culture Highly developed transformation and gene replacement technologies
Mass production fast Superior growth characteristics
Quickly and precisely genome modifications Metabolically robust


Paper Title: Recombinant production of anti-HIV protein, griffithsin, by auto-induction in a fermentor culture

Expression System: E. coli

Technologies: N-terminal sequencing, MALDI-TOF, size exclusion chromatography, SDS-PAGE

Journal: Protein Expression and Purification

Published: 2006

Results: By exploring the expression conditions and the technical process, the total amount of hexahistidine tagged-Griffithsin (His-GRFT) was increased by about 45 times increasing the expression of the protein in the soluble fraction. Phenotypic analysis of recombinant His-GRFT revealed that both the glycoprotein 120 binding properties and anti-HIV activity had the same activity as the native extracts. Chromatographic analysis showed that both the recombinant and the native ones existed in solution as homodimers. This study demonstrated the asexual purification of the batch mode of GRFT, which was also easily extended, yielding high-purity proteins with anti-HIV activity indistinguishable from native GRFT.

Fig.2 SDS-PAGE analyses and size-exclusion chromatography of GRFT. (Giomarelli, et al., 2006)Fig.2 SDS-PAGE analyses and size-exclusion chromatography of GRFT. (Giomarelli, et al., 2006)

Advantages of Us

  • We provide a variety of E. coli expression vectors, pET28b, pET22b, pGEX-6P-1, etc.
  • Problems of protein non-expression and inclusion bodies are largely solved by optimization of the expression system, such as compatibility testing of expression vectors and expression strains, and optimization of induced expression conditions.

CD BioGlyco has rich experience in Recombinant Lectin Production. Our professional team is skilled in applying a variety of strains. According to the client's needs, select the corresponding expression host. While obtaining the recombinant lectins, we will also provide the corresponding original data and maps. Moreover, we provide the original expression strains and cloned plasmids if desired. Please feel free to contact us.


  1. Giomarelli, B.; et al. Recombinant production of anti-HIV protein, griffithsin, by auto-induction in a fermentor culture. Protein Expr Purif. 2006, 47(1): 194-202.
  2. Demain, A.L.; Vaishnav, P. Production of recombinant proteins by microbes and higher organisms. Biotechnol Adv. 2009, 27(3): 297-306.
  3. Sørensen, H.P.; Mortensen, K.K. Advanced genetic strategies for recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli. J Biotechnol. 2005, 115(2): 113-28.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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