Selective Breeding-based In Vivo Glycobiology Disease Model Development Service
Tailored Solutions: Precision in Glycobiology Disease Model Development Through Selective Breeding
Selective breeding is a method of artificial selection in which individuals with specific traits are selected for reproduction to increase or decrease the frequency of those traits in the offspring. CD BioGlyco provides clients with a comprehensive Glycobiology Disease Model Development Service by utilizing a variety of advanced Techniques for the Glycobiology Disease Model, including gene editing, transgenic method, selective breeding, and various other techniques. The process of our selective breeding-based in vivo glycobiology disease model development service is as follows.
- First, CD BioGlyco determines the type of disease you wish to study and then selects an appropriate model organism. For example, if you are interested in diabetes, we choose mice or rats as model organisms because they are widely used in the study of diabetes and their genetic background can be modified to mimic the human disease. When choosing a model organism, our experts identify its genetic background as a crucial reference for modeling a specific disease. For instance, in the study of type 2 diabetes, we choose mouse strains with susceptible genotypes or knockout mice as model organisms.
- Secondly, we develop breeding strategies based on the disease characteristics and study objectives, which involve selecting individuals with specific genotypes for breeding or introducing targeted gene mutations through gene editing techniques. Subsequently, we identify the desired genetic traits or phenotypic characteristics that need to be obtained during the breeding process, thereby increasing the frequency of specific genotypes or selecting individuals with specific phenotypic traits for breeding.
- After acquiring animal lines by selective breeding, we conduct comprehensive phenotyping to validate the successful replication of disease traits in the model. Subsequently, multiple experiments are carried out to confirm the reliability and stability of the model.

Technology: DNA extraction and selective breeding
Journal: Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
IF: 1.0
Published: 2016
Results: This article focuses on genetic diversity in three generations of selective breeding of Pseudobagrus vachellii. The researchers assessed the level of genetic diversity after three generations of selective breeding by analyzing genetic markers. The results of the study showed that the genetic diversity of Pseudobagrus vachellii decreased after three generations of selective breeding. This suggests that selective breeding may lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. This study is important for understanding the effects of selective breeding on genetic diversity.
Fig.1 Selection and collection of Pseudobagrus vachellii samples. (Wang, et al., 2024)
- The established disease models can be used for in-depth studies of disease mechanisms, developmental processes, and changes at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels associated with glycobiology.
- The selective breeding-based in vivo glycobiology disease models can be used in drug screening and evaluation to assess the efficacy and safety of drugs.
- The established disease models can be utilized for the identification and validation of disease-specific biomarkers to enable early disease detection.
- Our selective breeding technology allows for the generation of populations of animals with similar genotypes and phenotypes, ensuring consistency and reliability of research results.
- The genetic basis of human glycobiological diseases can be better modeled by our selective breeding technology by selecting animals and a specific genetic background for breeding.
- Our technology applies to a variety of animal models, including mice, rats, and pigs. Therefore, it can meet different research needs and experimental design requirements.
CD BioGlyco is confident that our professional selective breeding-based in vivo glycobiology disease model development service greatly contribute to the advancement of your research. If you are interested in further details, please feel free to contact us.
- Wang, H.; et al. Genetic diversity of three consecutive selective breeding generations in Pseudobagrus vachellii (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Bagridae). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. 2024, 54: 13-20.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.