
Tensile Testing of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Material

Tensile testing is a fundamental material science and engineering test. CD BioGlyco is committed to providing reliable tensile testing to help clients measure and calculate parameters such as tensile strength, tensile strain to failure, and Young's modulus to evaluate the mechanical properties of different Carbohydrate-based Biodegradable Materials. Our tensile tests help to observe the effect of different treatments on the mechanical properties of materials and to estimate the potential biomedical applications of different materials.

Tensile Properties of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials

Polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials hold great promise in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, and other technological applications. However, the application of some materials is limited by high values of ultimate tensile stress and rigidity modulus. Different strategies have been employed to improve the physicochemical and mechanical properties of polysaccharide-based materials. Some of these approaches include covalent crosslinking or chemical modification and blending of polymers. A series of tensile tests were performed on the modified biomaterial to help determine the impact of the different processes on the properties of the final product.

Fig.1 Tensile strength for each polysaccharide film. (Espinoza-Herrera, et al., 2011)Fig.1 Tensile strength for each polysaccharide film. (Espinoza-Herrera, et al., 2011)

Tensile Testing of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials at CD BioGlyco

Tensile testing is one of the most common methods of measuring the strength of materials. It involves linear stretching of the material until it fails or reaches a certain critical value. We provide clients with professional and reliable tensile testing to measure material parameters such as ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength, elastic modulus (stiffness), maximum elongation, and reduction in the area of polysaccharide-based biodegradable materials. From these measurements, we also help clients determine properties including Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength, and strain hardening characteristics.

Our universal tester can not only help clients perform tensile tests, but also our large number of customized grips and fixtures enable us to execute many different types of programs according to the specific needs of our clients.

  • Tensile specimen preparation
  • Tensile test data analysis
    • Ductility
    • Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
      UTS is one of the most important properties of a material and the maximum stress that a specimen sustains during the test.
    • Modulus of elasticity
      The modulus of elasticity measures the stiffness of a specimen which only applies in the initial linear region of the curve.
    • Yield strength
      The yield strength is defined as the point at which plastic deformation occurs under stress.
    • Alternate moduli
    • We offer secant modulus and tangent modulus for determination of the modulus of a material as well as Young's Modulus. Alternate moduli apply to materials with no well-defined linear region in the tensile curves.

Example of Tensile Testing

Tensile testing was used to characterize the mechanical properties of various cellulose derivative films. The mechanical resistance of the film, including tensile strength (TS) and elongation percentage (E) at the breakpoint, was measured by uniaxial stretching the sample, in one direction, at 5 mm/min using the texturometer TA.TX Plus. The data obtained will help us better understand the physical properties of each polymer film and select its appropriate application fields.


Our tensile testing has a variety of uses, including:

  • Selection of appropriate materials for an application
  • Prediction of material performance under different forces
  • Comparison of technical data of different material options
  • Determination of whether the contract or standard requirements are met

At CD BioGlyco, the overall quality and comprehensive value of the Characterization of Polysaccharide-based Biodegradable Materials are always one of our top priorities. We have already worked with a wide range of polysaccharide-based materials and our experience in the development and implementation of tensile testing methods keeps your expenses low.

If you need a tensile test provider who can provide you with all the accurate and actionable information you need when you need it the most, please don't hesitate to contact us for more details.


  1. Espinoza-Herrera, N.; et al. Thermal, mechanical and microstructures properties of cellulose derivatives films: a comparative study. Food Biophysics. 2011, 6(1): 106-114.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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