Viral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Viral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Strategies for Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is an emerging treatment method developed with the development of molecular biology and cell biology. It aims to modify the body's genes by introducing therapeutic genes, silencing, or editing disease-causing genes to achieve therapeutic purposes. To better serve the clinical treatment of cancer with glycogene editing technology, it is first delivered to target tissues, target cells, and target organelles conveniently and effectively. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop safe and efficient gene-drug carrier systems.

Fig.1 The types of gene therapy techniques used in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatment. (Reghupaty & Sarkar, 2019)Fig.1 The types of gene therapy techniques used in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatment. (Reghupaty & Sarkar, 2019)

Viral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco provides clients with viral vector-based delivery services to introduce plasmid DNA, siRNA or double-stranded RNAi, oligonucleotides, and RNA into eukaryotic cells for a variety of research and drug discovery applications. We deliver target glycogene fragments into target cells through retroviral vectors, lentiviral vectors, adenoviral vectors, and adeno-associated virus vectors. Here we will introduce in detail the Glycogene Delivery Services based on different viral vectors.

Fig.2 Viral vector-based delivery services. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.2 Viral vector-based delivery services. (CD BioGlyco)

  • Retroviral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Retrovirus is a single-stranded RNA virus that is integrated into the host genome and reverse-transcribe RNA into DNA under the action of reverse transcriptase in the body. And it generates new viruses through further transcription, translation, and packaging. Gamma-retrovirus is commonly used in gene therapy. We use gamma-retrovirus to load glycogenes for gene-targeted therapy of cancer.

  • Lentiviral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Compared with retroviruses, lentiviruses have functions in some non-dividing cells, such as infecting dividing cells, slowly dividing cells, and quiescent cells without reducing the viability, growth, and differentiation potential of the host cells. We transfer genes into mesenchymal stem cells via lentiviral vectors.

  • Adenoviral Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Adenovirus is a medium-sized virus with an icosahedral protein capsid. After entering the host, it rapidly replicates and assembles to produce progeny virus particles. The advantages of adenoviral vectors are a low risk of pathogenicity or insertional mutations and high DNA-carrying capacity.

  • Adeno-Associated Virus Vector-based Glycogene Delivery Service

Adeno-associated viruses rely on adenovirus genes for replication. Adeno-associated viruses alone have no apparent pathogenicity, are poorly immunogenic, and infect many different cell types. We infect human or primate cells with adeno-associated viruses.


  • Develop safe and efficient drug carriers to effectively deliver glycogene fragments to target tissues, target cells, and target organelles.
  • Use Glycogene Editing Services to modify and transform glycogenes in cancer cells and deliver them to targets to achieve gene therapy.
  • With the simplicity and efficiency of precise gene editing technology, the glycosylation pathways and biological functions of complex carbohydrates are analyzed genetically.

Advantages of Us

  • Viral vectors have high transfection efficiency, which gives them unique advantages in the development of glycogene drugs.
  • For cell types that are difficult to transfect, viral vectors have good transfection effects.
  • Viral vectors carry large fragments of foreign DNA.
  • The gene fragments delivered by viral vectors have high expression time and long-term stable expression.

CD BioGlyco has been involved in Glycogenomics research for many years and is committed to providing you with the best service to ensure that your requirements are met. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Reghupaty, S.C.; Sarkar, D. Current status of gene therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancers. 2019, 11(9): 1265.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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