Glyco-biomarker CA15–3 Detection Service

Glyco-biomarker CA15–3 Detection Service

CD BioGlyco offers cancer antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) assays to monitor response to breast cancer treatment and to help observe breast cancer recurrence. We have the confidence to provide our clients with efficient, rapid and accurate biomarker detection services.


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females and the second most common cancer in the world. Early detection of breast cancer can provide more treatment options and improved conditions for treatment or surgery. A variety of diagnostic techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and biopsy, have been used to detect breast cancer. However, these strategies are expensive, time-consuming and cannot respond to large numbers of patients at the same time. Using serum biomarkers for cancer screening would be a desirable diagnostic technique to detect cancer through routine health examinations. In addition, such screening could improve the detection rate of early cancers and ultimately improve survival rates.

CA15-3 is a soluble form of MUC1, a transmembrane protein with variable numbers of tandem repeats of a glycosylation-modified peptide. Glycosylation changes of CA15-3 have great potential to reflect carcinogenesis, while most glycosylation assays involve highly purified glycoproteins and expensive procedures such as capillary electrophoresis, mass spectrometry (MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Therefore, it is important to develop efficient, simple and low-cost assays to detect glycosylation in serum samples.

Schematic diagram of the antibody-lectin sandwich assay. Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the antibody-lectin sandwich assay. (Choi, 2018)

Our Strategies

CD BioGlyco has developed ultra-sensitive, simple and reliable strategies to detect glyco-biomarker CA15-3 for screening of early-stage or localized breast cancer. The strategies we provide include but are not limited to:

  • Antibody lectin sandwich assay
  • The immobilized anti-CA15-3 monoclonal antibody is used to capture CA15-3 in serum. Then, concanavalin A (ConA) lectin, which preferentially binds high mannose N-glycan, is used to detect the glycosylation of CA15-3. The strategy appears to be effective in discriminating against breast cancer from different stages.

  • A sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor
  • This method has demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity in the detection of CA 15-3 in human serum and can be used as a powerful diagnostic tool for the clinical determination of CA 15-3 and other glyco-biomarkers.


  • Screening early or localized breast cancer
  • Prediction of the disease outcome
  • Monitoring of chemotherapy treatment modalities
  • Detection of disease recurrence

Advantages of Us

  • Ultrasensitive and specific detection methods
  • Good stability and reproducible results
  • Adjustable experimental protocols
  • Customer-focused service attitude

CD BioGlyco has established several strategies with significant analytical detection efficiency for CA15-3, with good specificity and sensitivity even in the presence of other proteins interference. If you need glyco-biomarker detection services, please contact us for further information.


  1. Choi, J.; et al. Use of CA15-3 for screening breast cancer: An antibodylectin sandwich assay for detecting glycosylation of CA15-3 in sera. Oncology Reports. 2018, 40(1): 145-154.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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CD BioGlyco is a world-class biotechnology company with offices in many countries. Our products and services provide a viable option to what is otherwise available.

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