
GSL Structure Analysis by 1H NMR

CD BioGlyco provides mature 1H-NMR analysis services for GSL compounds and structures. For more detailed structure information, this method is employed with other analysis methods such as MS-based analysis.

The Significant Role of 1H-NMR GSL Analysis in Glycan Research

Glycans are the most prevalent biomolecules discovered in nature, and they are found in all living cells, either on their own or covalently coupled to other biomolecules to form glycoconjugates. Unraveling and identifying sugar components, stereochemical configurations, linkage locations, and sequence, as well as non-carbohydrate substituents, are all part of the investigation. As an analytical technique for GSL samples, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) has played a significant role in the structural elucidation of glycans.

Structure analysis of glycans by NMR spectroscopy. Fig.1 Structure analysis of glycans by NMR spectroscopy. (Fontana & Widmalm, 2023)

Glycosphingolipid (GSL) is composed of a sugar chain and ceramide, which is made up of a fatty acid and a sphingoid. GSLs create patches with sphingomyelin (microdomains) on the outer side of the lipid bilayer in animal cells and play a foundational role in intercellular adhesion, cellular recognition, differentiation/growth, and immunological response.

Biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids in humans. Fig.2 Biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids in humans. (Litwack, 2018)

GSL 1H-NMR Analysis Service at CD BioGlyco

In multidimensional NMR tests on glycans, 1H, 13C, 15N, and 31P nuclei are typically used to discover resonances and correlations between spins. Non-exchangeable protons are often detected in 1H NMR spectra between H 1.0~6.0, although in H2O solutions, amine and amide protons can be identified at H 8.0 and hydroxyl protons at H 6.0~8.0. Because of the narrow spectral dispersion of proton chemical shifts, signals frequently overlap, and significant coupling effects might confound analysis in the bulk area of the 1H NMR spectrum.

CD BioGlyco provides mature GSL 1H-NMR analysis services for clients, based on their needs we can combine the 1H-NMR analysis method with other NMR-based Analysis Services such as 13C NMR. Moreover, MS-based Analysis is also employed with 1H-NMR to clarify glycan structure information.

Standard analysis progress at CD BioGlyco. Fig.3 Standard analysis progress at CD BioGlyco. (CD BioGlyco)

Advantages of Us

  • We provide high-quality GSL 1H-NMR analysis services for clients. We not only receive samples from the United States but also from worldwide.
  • We have a strong lab team to progress analysis operations and provide a completed, detailed, and clear analysis report for our clients according to their needs.

CD BioGlyco provides 1H-NMR analysis service for GSLs analysis according to our client’s needs. Please feel free to contact us for service details (require volume/quantity of samples). Our service team responds to inquiries on time and looks forward to hearing questions from clients.


  1. Fontana, C.; Widmalm, G. Primary structure of glycans by NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews. 2023, 123(3): 1040-1102.
  2. Litwack, G. Lipids. Human Biochemistry. 2018, 199–255.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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