Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based GSL Structure Analysis Service

Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based GSL Structure Analysis Service

CD BioGlyco provides customer-tailored Carbohydrate Separation, Purification and Analysis services with rapid analysis procedures and easy-to-read reports, to speed up your scientific research.

The Complexity of GSL Analysis

Although GSLs are implicated in a range of diseases, our knowledge of their structural diversity and biological functions remains restricted. The existence of multiple structural variants creates both analytical obstacles and avenues for further research. These challenges primarily stem from the absence of precise tools that can effectively detect, identify, and quantify GSLs at the molecular level.

Fig.1 Preparation of GSL qualitative and quantitative analysis.Fig.1 Preparation of GSL qualitative and quantitative analysis. (Li, et al., 2023)

MS-based GSL Structure Analysis Service at CD BioGlyco

MS has emerged as a valuable tool for the Structural Characterization of GSL. It is important to examine GSLs in their intact form to gain a comprehensive understanding of their biological functions, as the lipid backbone can impact the glycan moiety's function. Promising techniques for achieving this include chemoselective derivatization, modern fragmentation methods, and ion mobility. However, detecting GSLs associated with diseases is challenging due to their extremely low abundance. Therefore, the development of more sensitive strategies is necessary. MS analysis offers an effective method for separation, and the appropriate ionization method should be selected based on the specific characteristics of the sample and the research objectives.

CD Bioglyco provides a One-stop Solution for GSL Research using a variety of MS-based analysis technology, including electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS, collision-induced dissociation (CID)-MS, thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-MS, liquid chromatography (LC)-MS, capillary electrophoresis (CE)-MS, gas chromatography (GC)-MS, fast atom bombardment (FAB)-MS, and matrix-assisted, laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)-MS.

CD Bioglyco also provides tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) technology for enhanced structural analysis of GSL. MS/MS plays a crucial role in the structural analysis of GSLs. It employs various multi-ion dissociation (fragmentation) techniques, categorized into collision induction, electronic assistance, photoinduced, and chemically induced dissociation. Each method cleaves bonds at specific positions within the molecule, providing complementary and comprehensive structural information when combined. By utilizing the predictability of cleavage pathways, it is possible to construct a structural database in silico. This database facilitates the identification of both known and unknown GSLs by comparing experimental MS/MS spectra with the database records.

Advantages of Us

  • A comprehensive and advanced platform
  • Cutting-edge technology and professional research team
  • Update methods according to international development
  • Comprehensive and reliable after-sales service

After years of research, CD BioGlyco has developed a complete MS-based solution for the structural characterization of GSL. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details without any hesitation.


  1. Li, Z.; et al. High-sensitivity qualitative and quantitative analysis of human, bovine and goat milk glycosphingolipids using HILIC-MS/MS with internal standards. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2023, 312: 120795.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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