
Maillard Reaction-based Polysaccharide Conjugation Services

Reaction Process of Maillard Reaction

Maillard reactions naturally occur during heat treatment or prolonged storage of food, enhancing the physicochemical and functional characteristics of proteins in food systems. These reactions rely on the interaction between the free amino group of proteins and the reducing-end carbonyl group of polysaccharides. Among enzymatic, chemical, and physical alterations, Maillard reactions offer advantages. A study demonstrated the application of the Maillard reaction in conjugating bovine serum albumin (BSA) and dextran, used for emulsifying solid lipids. The reaction formed amide bonds between BSA and dextran, creating multilayer coatings to stabilize solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN). The process involves glycosylamine and Schiff base intermediates, leading to the production of ketosamine, known as the Amadori product.

Schematic representation of Maillard conjugation reaction between glucose unit in dextran and BSA.Fig.1 Schematic representation of Maillard conjugation reaction between glucose unit in dextran and BSA. (Wang, et al., 2017)

Maillard Reaction-based Polysaccharide Conjugation Services at CD BioGlyco

The Maillard reaction provides an opportunity for researchers to conjugate sugar and proteins. Based on Maillard reaction-based methods, CD BioGlyco provides clients the custom conjugation services according to their requirements. Here is the flowchart of the standard reaction process for most Maillard reactions below, please feel free to ask for details if you are interested in our services. Moreover, CD BioGlyco also provides other Chemistry-based Polysaccharide Conjugation Services and Physical Crosslinking-based Polysaccharide Conjugation Services.

The flowchart of the Maillard reaction.Fig.2 The flowchart of the Maillard reaction. (CD BioGlyco)

Applications of Maillard Reaction-based Polysaccharide Conjugation

  • For the drug delivery system: Polysaccharide conjugation using the Maillard reaction can be employed to develop drug delivery systems.
  • For the food industry: Polysaccharide conjugation through the Maillard reaction can improve the texture, stability, and sensory properties of food formulations.
  • For the biomaterial: The Maillard reaction-based polysaccharide conjugation can be utilized to modify the properties of biomaterials for various applications.
  • Maillard reactions can occur between various reducing sugars and polysaccharides, enabling the conjugation of different polysaccharide molecules with proteins or other biomolecules.

Advantages of Us

  • Our lab team is highly skilled, collaborative, and dedicated, ensuring the efficient and accurate execution of experiments and producing high-quality research outcomes.
  • Polysaccharide conjugation through Maillard reactions can improve the functional properties of biomolecules, which develop our ability to conjugate glycans with other molecules.
  • We offer custom conjugation and analysis services for clients according to their requirements and budgets. Using the Maillard reaction-based polysaccharide conjugation method, we have the ability to develop drug delivery and biomaterial.
  • Our service team is highly responsive and proactive, anticipating customer needs and going above and beyond to ensure a positive experience and satisfaction.

CD BioGlyco provides custom Maillard reaction-based polysaccharide conjugation services for our clients, if you have any questions or require details information, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Wang, T.; et al. Synthetic surfactant- and cross-linker-free preparation of highly stable lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles as potential oral delivery vehicles. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1): 2750.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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