Colchicum Autumnale Lectin Production Service

Colchicum Autumnale Lectin Production Service

Colchicum autumnale Lectin Production Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco is passionate and committed to providing world-class Lectin Production Services to our clients. Lectins have a variety of potentially exploitable biological activities. They exhibit potent biological activities including mitogenic, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, etc. Many Plant Lectins are becoming better known in terms of their production, molecular structure, physiological roles, and biological effects on mammalian cells. To obtain products with higher quality and purity, the production and purification methods of plant lectins have been optimized. Lectins from C. autumnale have been extracted and studied. To meet the different research needs of clients regarding C. autumnale lectins, we offer optimized C. autumnale lectin production services.

Fig.1 Process of C. autumnale lectin production. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Process of C. autumnale lectin production. (CD BioGlyco)

  • C. autumnale lectin production service

Tubers are structures used by plants for nutrient storage and asexual reproduction. Lectins are one of the major storage proteins of plant tubers. We extract lectins from C. autumnale tubers. The tubers are homogenized, centrifuged, and graded precipitated with ammonium sulfate. After that, we use Affinity Chromatography for further purification. Finally, the pure product is obtained by freeze-drying. The reaction process is optimized to maximize the yield and purity of the lectin.

Lectin is a naturally isolated protein. Its unspecified specificity affects its use in glycan analysis. We perform the appropriate sugar-binding specificity assays, including mannose, fucose, sialic acid, O-glycans, and others. The biological activity of lectins is related to the amino acid composition and spatial structure of the protein molecule. In addition to sugar-binding specificity, assays for amino acid composition, molecular weight, etc. are also accomplished.

  • C. autumnale lectin products

In addition to C. autumnale lectin, we offer a wide range of C. autumnale lectin conjugate products, including biotin conjugate, FITC conjugate, and others.

Applications of C. autumnale Lectin Production

  • C. autumnale lectin produced by our optimized method is used to analyze carbohydrate-protein interactions.
  • C. autumnale lectin produced by our optimized method is used as a potential resource for the development of functional or healthy foods.

Advantages of Us

  • We have performed the optimization according to a published method for the extraction of C. autumnale lectin. The yield and purity of the product is greatly improved.
  • We develop or add the appropriate lectin physicochemical property test according to the client's requirements.
  • We have a wide range of C. autumnale lectin conjugate products to choose from, including biotin conjugate, FITC conjugate, alkaline phosphatase conjugate, and others.

CD BioGlyco aims to provide clients with perfect lectin production services. We are constantly upgrading our production capacity to meet the needs of clients for different lectin studies. Please feel free to contact us for more information about C. autumnale lectin product parameters, price, production method, purification process, and so on. We will provide you the best service.


  1. Cheung, R.C.F.; et al. Tuber lectins with potentially exploitable bioactivities. Curr Med Chem. 2018, 25(42): 5986-6001.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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