
Escherichia coli Polysaccharide Antigen Production Services

What Is Escherichia coli?

E. coli is a gram-negative bacterium. While most E. coli strains are not dangerous, specific serotypes can be. Gram-negative bacteria's outer membrane (OM) is made up of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and phospholipids, which create an asymmetrical lipid bilayer. Capsular polysaccharides (CPS) play an important role in pathogenicity by attaching to the OM. CPS is produced by two mechanisms: the ABC transporter-dependent route and the Wzy-dependent assembly process. Understanding LPS and CPS production and activity in E. coli is critical for identifying pathogenic processes and designing targeted therapies against related illnesses.

Schematic illustration corresponding to various virulence factors of gram-negative bacteria.Fig.1 Schematic illustration corresponding to various virulence factors of gram-negative bacteria. (Sachdeva, et al., 2017)

E. coli Polysaccharide Antigen Production Services at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco is a trusted provider of E. coli LPS and CPS production services, offering comprehensive solutions for the production and characterization of these essential polysaccharides. LPS, a vital component of the outer membrane in all E. coli strains, contributes to barrier properties and host resistance. It acts as a protective shield, enabling survival and interactions with the host immune system. CPS, on the other hand, plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of Ur pathogenic and meningitis-associated E. coli strains by forming a capsule that evades the host's immune response, facilitating infection. With CD BioGlyco's expertise and services, researchers explore the roles and properties of LPS and CPS in E. coli pathogenesis and host interactions, gaining valuable insights into these important processes.

At CD BioGlyco, we aim to explore the properties and functions of LPS and CPS in E. coli, contributing to a better understanding of bacterial pathogenesis and the development of targeted interventions and therapeutics.

Advantages of Us

  • We offer custom LPS and CPS production services for clients according to their requirements and target structure.
  • We provide custom solutions for bacteria glycan production and characteristics for our clients based on our lab planning and clients' needs.
  • Our service team is available to respond to inquiries from clients around the world promptly.
  • The service team is highly responsive and proactive, anticipating customer needs and going above and beyond to ensure a positive experience and satisfaction.

CD BioGlyco has extensive research experience in glycan study, our R&D team provides E. coli polysaccharide custom production services. If you have any questions or require detailed information, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Sachdeva, S.; et al. E. coli group 1 capsular polysaccharide exportation nanomachinary as a plausible antivirulence target in the perspective of emerging antimicrobial resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8.
  2. Martorana, A.M.; et al. Dissecting Escherichia coli outer membrane biogenesis using differential proteomics. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9(6).
  3. Liston, S.D.; et al. Periplasmic depolymerase provides insight into ABC transporter-dependent secretion of bacterial capsular polysaccharides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018, 115(21): 4870-4879.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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