High-Throughput Screening for Compounds That Alter Muscle Cell Glycosylation

High-Throughput Screening for Compounds That Alter Muscle Cell Glycosylation

The Significance of Research on Muscle Cell Glycosylation

Muscle cell glycosylation is the combination of glucose with muscle protein to form a glycosylation product. High blood glucose stimulates an increase in the concentration of glucose in the body, and the excess glucose combines with amino acids in muscle protein to form a glycosylation product. The glycosylation product affects the structure and function of muscle protein, disrupting the normal metabolic processes within muscle cells. Muscle cell glycosylation is one of the common complications in diabetic patients. Long-term persistent hyperglycemia and accumulation of glycosylation products lead to pathological changes such as muscle tissue fibrosis, sclerosis, and degeneration of myogenic fibers, which eventually lead to reduced exercise capacity, pain, and other symptoms. Therefore, research on how to mitigate the negative effects of muscle cell glycosylation on the body is important to prevent and treat the complications of diabetes mellitus.

Flow chart of high-throughput screening (HTS) of compounds that alter glycosylation in muscle cells based on plant lectins.Fig.1 Flow chart of high-throughput screening (HTS) of compounds that alter glycosylation in muscle cells based on plant lectins. (CD BioGlyco)

HTS for Compounds That Alter Muscle Cell Glycosylation at CD BioGlyco

HTS techniques allow rapid access to multiple compounds with the ability to alter muscle cell glycosylation, which provides the basis for the development of novel drugs for diabetes. CD BioGlyco is focused on providing professional glycan analysis services and accelerating research related to glycobiology. We offer a variety of HTS technologies for glycoconjugate screening, including HTS of compounds that alter glycosylation in muscle cells. The services we provide are not limited to the following:

  • HTS based on a plant lectin
    We combine the feature that plant lectin can bind to specific sugar molecules with the HTS technology of the small molecule compound library, thus using HTS to find compounds that alter muscle cell glycosylation.
  • HTS based on Microchip Assay
    We take advantage of the miniaturization, efficiency, and automation of microchip assay to rapidly screen compounds at a high throughput level, and allow for further evaluation and analysis of the screened compounds.
  • HTS based on Miniature Pig Kidney N-Glycan-Immobilized Beads
    Miniature pig kidney N-glycan-immobilized beads allow for the rapid enrichment and detection of proteins and compounds associated with N-glycosylation, including those that alter muscle cell glycosylation.


  • Promoting research on muscular dystrophy
  • Helping researchers better understand the pathogenesis of diabetes
  • Providing new pathways and strategies for the development of muscle disease-related drugs

Advantages of Us

  • High repeatability and stability
  • The high conversion rate of research results
  • Multiple high-throughput methods can be combined to customize the most suitable HTS method

CD BioGlyco provides efficient and accurate HTS services for compounds that alter muscle cell glycosylation to help you accelerate your research and reduce research costs. Our dedicated team also provides complete solutions and the best after-sales service to ensure your research process. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Cabrera, P.V.; et al. High throughput screening for compounds that alter muscle cell glycosylation identifies new role for N-glycans in regulating sarcolemmal protein abundance and laminin binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012, 287(27): 22759-22770.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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