Bryonia Dioica Lectin Production Service

Bryonia Dioica Lectin Production Service

Bryonia dioica Lectin Production Service at CD BioGlyco

CD BioGlyco is experienced in Lectin Production. Plant lectin is a glycoprotein or non-immunogenic protein. It recognizes and binds glycosyl groups in a highly selective and specific manner. B. dioica is a perennial vine. It contains lectins that bind specifically to N-acetylgalactosamine. Plant Lectins are easy to produce and are chemically stable, making them an important tool in glycochemical research. We offer B. dioica lectin production services.

  • B. dioica lectin production service

B. dioica contains lectins in several parts of the plant, with the exception of the seeds, which do not contain lectins. Among them, the rootstocks are the most abundant. We mainly extract lectins from rootstocks. We optimize the lectin production method of B. dioica to maximize the lectin purity and yield. Affinity Chromatography is usually one of the most efficient purification methods. It captures the target protein through specific affinity interactions. It is the most specific of all affinity techniques. After extraction, we use affinity chromatography to separate the extracted mixture.

In order to expand the application of B. dioica lectin, we will combine it with other compounds. Biotin-conjugated lectins, FITC-conjugated lectins, colloidal gold-conjugated lectins, etc. are prepared.

Fig.1 Production process of B. dioica lectin. (CD BioGlyco)Fig.1 Production process of B. dioica lectin. (CD BioGlyco)

  • B. dioica lectin products

We offer a wide range of high-quality lectin products based on optimized lectin extraction and optimization methods. Our products include B. dioica lectin, alkaline phosphatase conjugate, FITC conjugate, biotin conjugate, etc.

Applications of Our B. dioica Lectin Production Service

  • B. dioica lectins produced by our optimized method are used in immunochemistry and immunofluorescence.
  • B. dioica lectins produced by our optimized method are used in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and protein blotting.
  • B. dioica lectins produced by our optimized method are used for the visualize localization of specific saccharide moieties.

Highlights of Us

  • Our optimized production and purification methods ensure the high yield and purity of our B. dioica lectin products.
  • Our wide range of B. dioica lectin products meets the needs of different clients in glycobiology research.
  • Lectins specifically recognize and bind to monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, and so on. We prepare the appropriate B. dioica lectin complexes according to the client's requirements.

CD BioGlyco has an experienced and highly qualified team for lectin production. We always prioritize our clients, our products, and the training of our researchers. It has always been our goal to provide our clients with high-quality lectin products and perfect service. Besides B. dioica lectin, we also provide the production of Canavalia ensiformis Lectin, Caragana arborescens Lectin, etc. Please feel free to contact us for detailed information if you are interested in our lectin production and products.


  1. Kumar, S.; et al. The genus Bryonia: A review. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2008, 4(2): 392-401.
This service is for Research Use Only, not intended for any clinical use.

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